🚨MAJOR PYSOP ALERT: Turns Out Kenneth Darlington is A WEF/Deep State Operative and The People He Shot Were Not Actually Climate Protesters ⚠️
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I posted about this yesterday, but I can't find them now. Here is what I said:
I want to take a few minutes to talk about this. This happened in my country, Panama. It's going to be a bit long, so I apologize in advance.
The media is saying this is an eco protest. In a way, it is. But that is not the whole reason for the protests. I don't agree with blocking traffic as it affects the people who have nothing to do with this issue, me included.
But what is happening right now in Panama has a deeper side, one that is not talked about in the media. Minera Panama, the mining company who got the contract is a subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals, a mining company based in Canada.
During the pandemic, the Panamanian government took massive loans from the world bank. Here is an article published on their website about it. And here is another one about another massive loan.
As you all know, the way the world bank operates is they give these loans to countries, and when the country can't pay them back they have a chat with the president and force them to sell the countries resources to companies they own, according to John Perkins.
This is where the mining contract comes in. Our president signed a 20 year contract that can be extended for another 20 years where they can do all the mining they want in Panama. Also, the president also signed a law that forbids any new mining contracts with any other company, giving exclusive mining rights to First Quantum Minerals.
If you check this website and scroll down to the shareholders list, you will find two well know investment firms among them: Vanguard and Blackrock.
So, some people are protesting against the mining contract because of the environment, but most people don't want this because we are aware that the country resources are being sold cheap to the world bank. If you read some of the signs people carry, you will see things like "Panama is not for sale", and "We will defend our country". I believe that one of the things Q told us is to be patriots. I don't live in the USA, but I'm old enough to know that the world bank and their associates are doing this all over the world, so we all should be patriots and fight against the world bank and the elites from taking over everything.
That is what the protests are mostly about. I can also understand that people would be upset with traffic blockades, it upsets me too. But this guy got off his car, walked up to the protestors and tried to talk them into letting him go through, and he pulled out a gun when they said no. He has double nationality, he has a Panamanian citizenship, and according to it he was born in Colon, Panama.
I have the videos of what happened, but I don't know how to upload them here. The picture where you see the casing flying was taken from a video that was recorded by one of the people who were there that day. I upload them to a temporary host site. This is the one with the angle from the picture. And this is the one where he shots one of the protesters. As you can see, the old man was not in any danger, and nobody was threatening him. One of the people he killed was a teacher. But videos are cut short, sorry. That is the way they were sent to me, and I can't say I know what happened before he fired.
Again, I don't agree with blocking traffic. But I also disagree with somebody pulling out a gun and shooting somebody like this. I hope this old man dies in a prison cell.
Not sure if this adds to anything here but I forwarded this to my friend who used to work in Panama, this is his response:
That's a funny take. The explorers and founders of that minera copper mine first quantum are my old bosses. They had in the neighborhood of 100 exploratory mining projects all over latin America. On average about 1 in 10 succeeded. Each drill site costs about 10 million. This mine however turned our to be the largest copper mine in the entire world!
The dudes I worked for were mentioned about 20 times in the panama papers. Those powers at be who regulate banks in the United States and world wide , seized hundreds of millions in capital. Being Canadian, they said f you, were not going to court in America, they went to England and beat the US gov and big bank influence and proved that they did exactly what every bank does. The American judge ripped the justice dept investigators a new asshole, in court for illegally seizing their assets. It was a hilarious read of the transcript. Still in business today with the same 20 to 30 year clients.