Can election rigging be prevented, Q seems to say they can.
Q Post 14 Was HRC next in line? Was the election suppose to be RIGGED? Did good people prevent the rigging? Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
So why weren't those good people at the helm in 2018, 2020, or 2022? Where were the good people when Q+ signed operation warp speed to the record profit of Pharma companies by allowing them to harm every citizen that trusted their doctors for medical decisions? Where are the good people at while American Citizens patriotic enough to show up in DC to protest a stolen election rot in what is essentially an American gulag? When do people that seek the truth lose their blind trust that "good people" exist in a den of evil? I no longer believe "good people" exist in any vicinity to power in the federal government or military.
Yeah unfortunately my only doubt in the plan is that if it was all an elaborate psyop to keep us from doing anything then it’s perfect. Flynn and them don’t help they just make loud noise calling for action with no general guidance.
Then again I feel like if they had completely lost control they would have called for more specific action via Q.
It always made me nervous that they said get out and vote in 2020 and that not everything was fully secured. Part of me wonders if they didn’t foresee the level of steal that happened and that’s why everything is so fucking slow and chaotic.
My only hope has been that all the loudest corrupt voices have all but disappeared and it very much seems like there are actors because Biden and others really don’t look the same.
I think 2025 shortly after inauguration is my final deadline. Either they steal it again with 50 states and it’s so blatant that military immediately steps in or Trump wins and immediately turns things around.
I also keep my eyes open because if Trump gets in and doesn’t immediately remove censorship and most importantly the federal reserve then we really are still just happier debt slaves.
I believe the direct reason was “this phase of the plan is over” but that seems like horse poop. I also think some said that website was no longer secure to post or they couldn’t verify authenticity anymore or something like that.
IMO that’s the sketchiest part. Why go dark at a pivotal moment if it isn’t a psyop? We need guidance not “run for local office and grass roots” when we already know machines flip our votes and dems fund 10 to 1
If you objectively listen to Trump. And I mean this seriously. Remove your Q bias and truly listen. The dude wings a lot of stuff and also doesn’t seem to be clued into much of any larger plan other than his own lawsuits he is dealing with. I’ve suspected for a long time Q was a larger operation that Trump often doesn’t have any clue about other than authorizing it with occasional updates. I also think that’s why Trump and many others can come across as so lost or confused on these things. We think they are masterminds but really they are so busy doing rallies, fighting lawsuits, etc. that they don’t know much about the larger plan while hopefully mil is rounding people up.