You are absolutely correct. I have been on and off of statins and the only thing I found was that when on statins I was getting forgetful, off statins OK. So started doing research and found your brain is 'made of' cholesterol so using statins diminishes brain function, starves the brain. More research showed that once statins were really pushed, all of a sudden everyone is getting Alzheimers. I'd rather die of a heart attack.
You are absolutely correct. I have been on and off of statins and the only thing I found was that when on statins I was getting forgetful, off statins OK. So started doing research and found your brain is 'made of' cholesterol so using statins diminishes brain function, starves the brain. More research showed that once statins were really pushed, all of a sudden everyone is getting Alzheimers. I'd rather die of a heart attack.