How can 500 children go missing every MONTH in Tennessee alone? That’s a huge number of kids, at that rate their won’t be any kids left in a few years , this is crazy and should be front page news.
Numbers like this are VERY misleading. That includes run aways and children "reported missing" by a divorced parent when they don't want them to spend time with their other parent during a messy divorce.
The general rule of thumb I've seen is that whatever number you see being thrown out, 1-5% are actual abductions/kidnappings/missing cases. So in this case, 5-25 a month.
If these numbers were real Virginia would have ZERO children since it's something like 300K cases of "missing" children a year in Virginia because of the high runaway and false reporting cases.
For the record, when I say "runaway", I mean like, a stupid edgy teenager that decides they're going to go stay at a friends house for a few days without telling their family because they're fighting with their parents, and so get reported as missing, even though they're really not.
Don't get me wrong, it's horrible that 5-25 kids a month are going missing anywhere, but the 500 number is artificially exaggerated.
TL;DR: Most of these "missing" children aren't actually missing, so the stats are misleading.
How can 500 children go missing every MONTH in Tennessee alone? That’s a huge number of kids, at that rate their won’t be any kids left in a few years , this is crazy and should be front page news.
Numbers like this are VERY misleading. That includes run aways and children "reported missing" by a divorced parent when they don't want them to spend time with their other parent during a messy divorce.
The general rule of thumb I've seen is that whatever number you see being thrown out, 1-5% are actual abductions/kidnappings/missing cases. So in this case, 5-25 a month.
If these numbers were real Virginia would have ZERO children since it's something like 300K cases of "missing" children a year in Virginia because of the high runaway and false reporting cases.
For the record, when I say "runaway", I mean like, a stupid edgy teenager that decides they're going to go stay at a friends house for a few days without telling their family because they're fighting with their parents, and so get reported as missing, even though they're really not.
Don't get me wrong, it's horrible that 5-25 kids a month are going missing anywhere, but the 500 number is artificially exaggerated.
TL;DR: Most of these "missing" children aren't actually missing, so the stats are misleading.