The UK? That's rich... The Protestant Royal Family are a bunch of LUCIFARIAN's going all the way back to the depraved Monarch, King Richard VIII, the WITCH, Anne Boylin & her demonic spawn, Queen Elizabeth I. This is the source of the "Protestant" movement. You have been hoodwinked by the Secret Societies. martin Luther was a RoseCrutian, you misguided soul!
The U.K. Has given us Zionism, FreeMasonry, World Wars, Jimmy Savile, Maxwells, Epstiens... but you think this Satanic Empire are the good guys but the Vatican are the bad guys? Yikes!
Do some sincere research into the 300 year long war between SATANIC Freemasons & the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
"List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.
Vatican bank.
Board of Superintendence.
Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.
Clown connection.
1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.
The UK? That's rich... The Protestant Royal Family are a bunch of LUCIFARIAN's going all the way back to the depraved Monarch, King Richard VIII, the WITCH, Anne Boylin & her demonic spawn, Queen Elizabeth I. This is the source of the "Protestant" movement. You have been hoodwinked by the Secret Societies. martin Luther was a RoseCrutian, you misguided soul!
The U.K. Has given us Zionism, FreeMasonry, World Wars, Jimmy Savile, Maxwells, Epstiens... but you think this Satanic Empire are the good guys but the Vatican are the bad guys? Yikes!
Do some sincere research into the 300 year long war between SATANIC Freemasons & the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
It is linked, Vatican are not separate to what you describe u/Truthseeker84
"List the estimated wealth of religious organizations. Billions. Vatican bank. $229B. Board of Superintendence. Supervisory Commission of Cardinals. Clown connection. 1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See. Q"