I think we’ve seen a mix of both. There is definitely coordinated arson. In fact actual arrests to prove it. IMO the only “perfect” example of a DEW in use the strike on the Georgia Guidestones.
That said, it is very coincidental that these Chinese birds were directly overhead at the same time as the fires starting - assuming the data is true.
The real correlation is between HIGH WIND EVENTS and the ARSONISTS who light the fires when they occur.
You don’t think that DEWs exist?
that is a completely different question
of course they exist
are they in satellites starting wildfires?
certainly not
by the way, there are nearly 8k satellites in orbit and they can be found over fires, car crashes, mass shootings, etc.
This post is silly and a distraction from the real cause of wildfires >> coordinated arson
I think we’ve seen a mix of both. There is definitely coordinated arson. In fact actual arrests to prove it. IMO the only “perfect” example of a DEW in use the strike on the Georgia Guidestones.
That said, it is very coincidental that these Chinese birds were directly overhead at the same time as the fires starting - assuming the data is true.
Was the car seen leaving the guides tones a nothing burger? Cooincidence?