The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

I like how the claim is that FE discounts our movement, yet here you are throwing out glowie accusations like candy, which only serves to drive honest people away from us.
Any person who comes here believing flat Earth but not Q, is going to run for the hills if they see this. All you're doing is killing any chance of them accepting our ideas.
Basically, you're a dumbass, and it's immensely fucking ironic that you complained about ad hominem in your other comment, meanwhile you're throwing out accusations and ad hominem attacks, once again, like candy. Maybe take a look in the mirror, anon.
And to pose another argument, lest you cry ad hominem, even if FE is solely a CIA psyop, so what? Do you really think no one believes it? No one fell for one of the CIA's oldest ops? Every single person who believes it is employed by the CIA? No conspiracy types believe in this particular conspiracy? And you know this because of your time in the tiny portion of the internet that is 4chan?
The question has been posed to Q. Flat earth? Asked and answered: no
I'm sure you've heard "disinformation is necessary" as the response to this, so I won't do that.
Instead, I'd point out that this misses my point entirely. If someone believes that the Earth is flat, either because they heaven't seen that post before, or because they consider the "disinfo" response to be valid, you are potentially driving them away from Q by making it a "one or the other" scenario. The exact same thing you say the CIA wants to do, but in this case it's people who already were on board.
If someone is on board with Q and with flat Earth, and you make it out that they have to pick one or be accused of being a shill or glowie, they may very well pick FE and move on from Q. Or at least from our board, which would still hurt us all. Now if you're comfortable with this, okay, but don't make it out like you're "oh so concerned" with glowie shills who work for the CIA discounting us when you're sitting here potentially shaving off our numbers by attacking anyone who subscribes to a different theory than you, particularly in cases where they don't even bring it up on the board, but instead find posts by mods stickied where everyone is just shitting on them.
I agree that this isn't a FE board, I'm not convinced the Earth is flat, and I don't think we should talk about it in the first place. And in that same vein, I'm not the one who started this thread nor am I the one that started slinging mud.
To finish, this thread is pretty shit, and just any many people as would run from us for pushing flat Earth are going to run from us as a result of this thread. Partially because it's just devolved into a flat Earth shitfest, but also because it's displaying a bunch of overly emotional responses that lack critical thought, and instead is just a bunch of people attacking others for thinking unorthodox things.
If I had never visited this board before, and this is what I saw, I'd leave and likely not come back, as this thread reads like some retarded pro-vax "look here not there" nonsense.