If you want to sticky this kind of post, you need to be willing to allow it's open discussion. By doing this, you are being no different than any other platform that censors free speech. You are holding a very biased opinion, and by denying it's discussion while providing this view point in such a public way shows a big flaw to the leadership of this platform. You should reconsider this approach.
Yes for sure. This is usually how it rolls: Someone posts.....nasa says blah blah blah. Then someone copies that post onto here with; Take that Flat Earthers! you Stpudid Mother F@@@@@s you Pieces of S@@@ You Retarded no good Glowies SOBs, Psyops! God How I Hate you FEs, and how stupid you all are,,,,,etc etc. We take it and go on. Ad infinitum
If you want to sticky this kind of post, you need to be willing to allow it's open discussion. By doing this, you are being no different than any other platform that censors free speech. You are holding a very biased opinion, and by denying it's discussion while providing this view point in such a public way shows a big flaw to the leadership of this platform. You should reconsider this approach.
Yes for sure. This is usually how it rolls: Someone posts.....nasa says blah blah blah. Then someone copies that post onto here with; Take that Flat Earthers! you Stpudid Mother F@@@@@s you Pieces of S@@@ You Retarded no good Glowies SOBs, Psyops! God How I Hate you FEs, and how stupid you all are,,,,,etc etc. We take it and go on. Ad infinitum