Patrick Wojahn just pled guilty to over 100 counts connected to the possession and distribution of child sexual abuse material involving over 500 victims.
🤢 This PedoDude is sick! 🤮
I just can’t wrap my brain around the desire for children. 🤮
2 main reasons:
These people have no morals or boundaries. Perhaps some of them start off by having sex with women. Keep pushing the boundaries with more and more depraved acts. Move onto orgies. Start having sex with men. Then animals. At that point, they become desensitized to all the stuff they already do so what's left. Another part of abusing kids that might appeal to them is that deep down they may realize how depraved they are. By abusing children, in their mind, they may think they are in some way recapturing that innocents they once had and also trying to remind themselves of when sex still meant something to them before they went overboard and completely destroyed it in themselves. However, in reality they are destroying the children. Of course, the don't care because for them their own gratification is all that matters and their minds are so warped they are able to easily ignore the damage they are doing to these kids.
Many of them are either satanists or involved in the occult (also satanism just that those who practice it might be less aware of what it truly is). Destroying innocence is a core part of these practices. The demons that influence these people also want them to do as many depraved and evil things as possible because they see that as a way to get back at God. So with whatever influence these people have granted satan and his demons with their already evil actions, they are further influenced into doing any and all kind of evil, including abusing children.