Clandestine on X: Unfortunately, most cannot differentiate between what the anonymous poster known as Q said, and what really dumb followers of Q said.

When Q posted 3387---Listen very carefully (again). Note past (2) years. Note next (6) years. You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face. Strategic. Pre_planned. Patriots in control. Q
I was thinking the next 6 years would be with Trump in the White House and most everyone did but what I thought and what the plan was were two different things!
100%. I had that conception, too. But, I was already on board. Tons of people were still oblivious. This (from today) was very helpful
Back in the early days when Q was posting a lot and the posts seemed to indicate that any day something would happen, date fagging was rampant. Once Trump was no longer in the Whitehouse people started paying more attention to drop 3387. There isn’t nearly as much date fagging anymore.