Clandestine on X: Unfortunately, most cannot differentiate between what the anonymous poster known as Q said, and what really dumb followers of Q said.

My sentiments exactly. Looking at you Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward….
Clandestine is such a tool, I remember not too long ago, maybe a couple of years ago, this guy was shitting on Q on Twitter. Now everyone loves him, geeze.
No they don't and it obvious he likes to herald his thoughts as if they carry weight on their own as we all do. This stuff isn't when hard now. Most of us should be saltier than we act.
Many will see exactly what they want to see, be it in the stories of the MSM or in the postings of the Cladestines of the virtuspace..... It is perhaps the greatest weakness of humanity as it has led us down some very dark paths. But to give up hope is to accept defeat. I will not lose to the likes of the Bidens, Clintons and Podestas of this world for I cannot believe that is what God wants.