what sort of mod are you, huh? it is obviously a scorpian stinger which is the tail art of VAQ-132. they are both hq'd out of whidbey though. 129 being training and fleet replacement, and augmented by USAF EA-18G's (since the 111 was removed from service, so the AF needs to use navy birds cause they are all that's left in that role) but don't mind me making a point of it, I am just a 'pedantic bitch' about such things and might be wrong myself.
probably because it seemed funnier in my own twisted small mind before I posted, I guess. still pretty good reasoning on your post other than the old eyes not being able to see the scorpion thingy.
what sort of mod are you, huh? it is obviously a scorpian stinger which is the tail art of VAQ-132. they are both hq'd out of whidbey though. 129 being training and fleet replacement, and augmented by USAF EA-18G's (since the 111 was removed from service, so the AF needs to use navy birds cause they are all that's left in that role) but don't mind me making a point of it, I am just a 'pedantic bitch' about such things and might be wrong myself.
My goodness! FFS, I got mixed up didn't I LOL
Not sure what 'modding' has to do with it tho
probably because it seemed funnier in my own twisted small mind before I posted, I guess. still pretty good reasoning on your post other than the old eyes not being able to see the scorpion thingy.