Intel Drop #2549
Logical thinking. D5 drops 1st - last. Content & Dates. Huber drops 1st - last. Content & Dates. Role of Huber (as portrayed by 'Q')? What are the odds (mathematical probability) that Huber would be scheduled to testify re: Clinton Foundation on D5? What a...
Okay and if none of this happens on the third then what?
Then you go back to being yourself. Sharing a seat with your two point contact, bitch about everything while doing nothing.
But your post makes it seem like a sure thing. Does that take away your credibility?
You should be looking at your own credibility before opening your pie hole. I warned Larp on one and asked for help in the dig to confirm. Sadly you are a victim of a failed education system.
So we should just throw BS theories at the wall and expect others to research based on nothing?