Social media and the events of the last decade have greatly undermined our decadent elite structure. People are bored and frustrated by the current regime. They're ready for change. Any change.
We're already slipping towards a revolution. Like any revolution, it's going to be greatly disruptive and probably tyrannical during the first stages until a new order is established. I think that's inevitable.
What we need are people who are smart and competent enough to direct the revolution towards somewhere desirable. In the last days of Weimar Germany people would have been fine with the Nazis or communists or monarchists or pretty much any radical faction taking over to put the republic out of it's misery. That's where we're approaching. There needs to be an organized alternative to pick up the crown from the gutter so to speak.
What comes next won't quite resemble the past or the present. It will be a patchwork of different institutional patterns taken from all over time and space. I kind of have my own ideas for how this should look but that's a different story.
The important thing is the presence of people who are willing and able to participate in history.
Haha yeah back when the Normans conquered England almost 1000 years ago :D
Napoleon is the reason the French are no longer tough. He genocided all the tough ones by marching them off to certain death in the Russian winter and far from France’s traditional enemies in the City of London. Even after that event there remained enough French patriots that the City of London had to bring Napoleon back from his first retirement for Waterloo, then a generation later they had to revive his name with Napoleon III, who also led his troops to certain defeat. Since then, it’s been the fashion and food capitol of Europe, they’ve left the fighting behind.
Germany was also dealt a similar one-two punch that took another of the City of London’s continental competitors out of play.
There’s so much fake history to keep track of.
I don’t think the cabal expected Waterloo, or Napoleon III, to be necessary. I think they thought once all those millions of French patriots failed to come back from Napoleon the freemason’s death march into Russia, that France’s spirit would be broken. But it wasn’t, every able bodied French male was willing to keep fighting and the rest of Europe was no match for the French Rev’s socialized economy. So they let Napoleon “escape” and return once more to raise another army, and he dutifully marched them into another slaughter at Waterloo when he could have won playing defence.
The cabal took this lesson to heart when dealing with their next continental competitor. At the time WW1 ended, they already knew WW2 would be needed to break Germany. They cultivated anger over the “stab in the back ‘myth’” and then sent Hitler to usurp the righteous anger of the German Workers’ Party. They funded Hitler’s and fascism’s rise, knowing they were also funding the Soviets and the Allies. And they probably sipped wine and celebrated as yet another white genocide unfolded across Europe.
No more brotherwars. Turn the weapons on the warmongering globalist bankists.