Looking for MAGA - type legal representation
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Worked for a west-coast technology company & was fired for discrimination - which I can prove the claims were false - so far the Lawyers I have contacted have been incredibly liberal
Any ideas on who would I can hire to represent me?
Based on size of company, I’d want to pursue the individuals.
Sorry fren, this happened to me too. I worked in an at-will state and there wasn't much I could do, even with a based lawyer (who was cancelled herself after defending J6 Patriots and speaking about the stolen election: https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/ex-virginia-official-sues-after-losing-job-over-jan-6-posts). Hope you have a different situation and can sue the pants off these people. Maybe you can weed through any RINOs in this group and find one in your state: https://www.rnla.org/
Yup, Texas is ‘at-will’ I want to pursue the individuals that made the false statements, not the big tech company