I JUST HATE to be a round peg trying to fit into a square hole BUT...this is BS...
Braindead, you bring a very GREAT conundrum and that is: IF the Israelis had the report a year BEFORE HAND and certain "OFFICIALs" screwed the pooch on it being an "IMAGINATIVE REPORT" wouldn't there be a follow-up report as to "HOW VIABLE THE ATTACK "COULD" BE????? To my way of thinking, the Israelis wanted this to happen...and I feel sorry for the Israeli citizenry!!!!!!!!!
I JUST HATE to be a round peg trying to fit into a square hole BUT...this is BS...
Braindead, you bring a very GREAT conundrum and that is: IF the Israelis had the report a year BEFORE HAND and certain "OFFICIALs" screwed the pooch on it being an "IMAGINATIVE REPORT" wouldn't there be a follow-up report as to "HOW VIABLE THE ATTACK "COULD" BE????? To my way of thinking, the Israelis wanted this to happen...and I feel sorry for the Israeli citizenry!!!!!!!!!
That is ALL!!!