Tracy Beans: "And more transmissibility data made its way out. Remember that gathering in MA? Turns out that the vaccine caused more COVID among the vaccinated." What's that, again? THE VACCINE CAUSED MORE COVID AMONG THE VACCINATED. Like we f#@&ing said it would!
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸

My guy, I’m not exactly sure what pissed you off, but I think your reading my replies on pdw in a tone I ain’t typing in. I was genuinely asking if there were any cool new rabbit holes y’all were working on here that hadn’t made it to pdw. That’s it
Hmm. OK. I apologize. But, considering your post score, exactly why would anyone confuse you with anyone 'interested' in the latest rabbit hole?
I have absolutely no idea what a post score even is dude. I hang out in the comment sections mostly. I’m sure we’ve interacted somewhere in the past on GA. I recognize your handle and saw that old vid. Was just wondering why post it again? But it’s def green screen. So was that reporter with the shit in the background after the Tennessee bombing that nobody talks about anymore. I think both vids were around about the same time.