Tracy Beans: "And more transmissibility data made its way out. Remember that gathering in MA? Turns out that the vaccine caused more COVID among the vaccinated." What's that, again? THE VACCINE CAUSED MORE COVID AMONG THE VACCINATED. Like we f#@&ing said it would!
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸

Yea the event was Bear Week in Providencetown. The gay enclave at the tip of The Cape. All the gays got vaxxed and loved Fauci. Showing their utter ignorance in the history of their own ‘culture’. The amount of gay men I told “you know Fauci created AIDS panic in the 80s right?” Nope, none of them. They all got vaxxed so they could party together in P-Town and it was a huge outbreak hot spot. They all still get boosted too.