Couldn't they do that in a way that doesn't risk the impeachment of Biden looking like some cheap partisan revenge? I see the way all the Democrat's legal system attacks on Trump made him more popular, why risk energizing Democrats to support him when you can get all the same information out in a way that just demoralizes them further?
Thus the dotting of the i’s and the crossing of the t’s. As unpopular as Biden is now, bringing more evidence to the public square isn’t going to help Biden. It will make the cabal shriek some more, but very few are still listening to them. Hell, I bet the mockingbird media will even turn on Biden at this point.
Couldn't they do that in a way that doesn't risk the impeachment of Biden looking like some cheap partisan revenge? I see the way all the Democrat's legal system attacks on Trump made him more popular, why risk energizing Democrats to support him when you can get all the same information out in a way that just demoralizes them further?
Thus the dotting of the i’s and the crossing of the t’s. As unpopular as Biden is now, bringing more evidence to the public square isn’t going to help Biden. It will make the cabal shriek some more, but very few are still listening to them. Hell, I bet the mockingbird media will even turn on Biden at this point.