36 Black eye, same shit different day (www.foxnews.com) posted 1 year ago by Dems2Felony 1 year ago by Dems2Felony +37 / -1 Michelle Pfeiffer gets a nasty black eye on pickleball court Michelle Pfeiffer showed off a nasty black eye in a series of photos posted to Instagram. The actress was injured while playing pickleball. 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Who plays pickleball? I haven't heard anyone even mention it since my 7th grade gym class many, many moons ago.
Anywhere there is tennis they have pickleball...
We have pickleball courts here in a small town. I see them playing when I walk my dog through the park. A lot of the people are older and that's mainly who I see playing.
Very popular in LA right now.
'If you know how to play ping pong, you can play pickle ball.'