A Guide to Leftist Lies
The far left’s propaganda arm is warming up for the upcoming election year and tuning up their nonsensical lies that the pro-freedom right, imbued with the precepts of individual liberty and limited government is somehow the same as overarching...
Excellent article. Though the author compares to Nazi Germany my experience has been the same in reference to communism. The next phase from the lies include stolen elections, opposition is 'disappeared' as in incarcerated, gulags or killed, restrictions on the necessities of life (food, water, travel, housing, medical care etc). Even faith.
My rule of thumb has always been - once someone is caught in a lie, I never listen to them again. Be it a politician, newscaster, teacher, doctor, relative, whatever. It doesnt take many lies for someone to lose all credibility; it only takes one to be labeled a liar.
"The funny thing is, once liars are exposed, they can’t regain their credibility, no matter what they say or project. "