posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +61 / -0

First of All, thank you all for being prayer warriors for all of my big battles against government corruption. I am again asking for prayer for another battle.

On Wednesday, I will be giving a speech at the California income agency's board meeting. I recently exposed a bombshell -- a large percentage of the agency's executive staff are working unlawfully without an oath or a bond. A few months ago, I notified dozens of agency employees that they had been ordered to commit unlawful activities at the behest of people who had never sworn to uphold the laws, and let the employees know that I was pursuing consequences against each of them personally for these crimes. As far as I can tell, nothing came of that.

There will be a lot of people both within and outside the agency watching. Please pray that this bombshell being exposed forces the agency to reform itself. Please pray that they don't disconnect me (the meeting is virtual and they have disconnected me in the past), that I don't have any technical problems and that the agency doesn't do anything to retaliate (they have retaliated before).

For those wanting an update about the State Senators that I've caught without oaths and bonds (https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSscMqGI/need-advice--california-state-se/), I'll post that update in a few weeks. That update is giant, and due to a family emergency, I can't parse so much info right now.

Thank you again! I love you guys!