From Prophecies, words and fulfillment on FB Pagan or Sacred?🎄🎄 The people cry out in the temple why am I not being blessed? What pagan practices and holidays has the people bound under a curse. Why are the 10 commandments , the communion table and cross not displayed? Pagan trees replace what is sacred, elevated on the alter, facing you as you worship and sing. How does this honor the Lord? Read the word of God , pagans sacrificed and worshiped under every green trees. Placing the crib between a cluster of trees, which entity are you serving up the child to as you worship and sing? Occult practices for years have placed the church under a curse. No deliverance is offered, the people lack purity and believe they are clean. Poverty of spirit, broken finances and families line the pews. The Holy Spirit is not welcome, the temple is not clean. The leaders will be held accountable to allow the alter to be defiled. The people remain blinded as to what spirit is operating . The people remain sick and broken hearted, the leaders offer false peace void of the Father. Come up to the alter, allow us to pray, false peace offered and only obtained through the words spoken over you whose hands are not holy , choosing not to obey. Do you really want to receive prayers from those that choose to replace what is sacred with pagan objects? Separate, repent and be set free. Deliverance, God’s promises all start at the cross and not a crowded alter of trees.
Hope and trust in Christ alone not pagan objects
Hey, you just posted the exact same thing an hour ago:
Hope and worship in Jesus, not pagan trees
Did you not like the responses you got in that earlier post and want to try again?
This one was written by someone else in my prophetic group on FB today. I wrote mine yesterday. Same message received by two different people from the Holy Spirit is what I was showing. The Bible says two or more witnesses to confirm a prophetic message are required.
So anything 2 people say in a prophecy group becomes true? IDK if I necessarily agree with that fully. In no way speaking of your specific message here rather this statement as a whole
Ask the Holy Spirit who gives freely for discernment, wisdom and understanding. Dig into His word and pray on it brother.
This wasn't a personal attack towards you at all sis. I absolutely agree with the response you gave here.
Think in terms of newer Christians and what they might see. They go to a prophetic group online and see 2 people say the same thing. "Oh that must be true" :) that's why a personal relationship with Jesus is so important. God confirms his own will. People are often wrong and yes 2 people can agree with the same wrong. Think about all the prophecy people that said Trump would be back in office at such and such date. That 2 prophecy line got used alot then.