But, let me contradict myself, fren. To your point of view, Dr. Naomi Wolf thinks this is a hoax and an intelligence op. That's why I love this board and community. We can debate and examine both sides without screaming at each other. All we want is the truth. That's what separates us from the leftist, vaccinated communist cattle.
The easiest test for me? They arrested the leaker of the data as quick as they could. Tells me all I need to know.
But, let me contradict myself, fren. To your point of view, Dr. Naomi Wolf thinks this is a hoax and an intelligence op. That's why I love this board and community. We can debate and examine both sides without screaming at each other. All we want is the truth. That's what separates us from the leftist, vaccinated communist cattle.
Absofuckinglutely..! That’s how you read between the lines and get to bottom of the matter.