when a "conspiracy theory" is proven to not be theory at all but instead fact..what are you left with?...so instead of tooting horns and dancing about..why arent the "conspiracies" being prosecuted?
bingo...now what "organization" has the ability to be all encompassing to be able to control such a vast amount of the "movers and shakers" across this land(and world) to pull this off from villages to small townships to vast cities?...the very ones who designed the layout of washington dc from the very beginning..thats who.....they have their lodges everywhere there are people huddled together and no one rises to the very top without swearing an oath to that "brotherhood" first and they permeate every other organization from judges and lawyers to law-enforcement to buisness and entertainment to religeon and any other "position" that commands and controls inbetween from your local sheriff to the halls of congress to the president himself...all who has not sworn that oath and some that did but were deemed to be weak in "knowing" eyes are kept "in their place" to be used as pawns "unknowingly" as defenders and stooges...its a big club and you aint in it?...i contend some who are havent a clue about what they actually are a member of and only know what they have been told by design and function
when a "conspiracy theory" is proven to not be theory at all but instead fact..what are you left with?...so instead of tooting horns and dancing about..why arent the "conspiracies" being prosecuted?
Because the DA’s and police, FBI, Judges etc have all been placed and are also pedophiles. It’s a big club and thank God I’m not in it.
bingo...now what "organization" has the ability to be all encompassing to be able to control such a vast amount of the "movers and shakers" across this land(and world) to pull this off from villages to small townships to vast cities?...the very ones who designed the layout of washington dc from the very beginning..thats who.....they have their lodges everywhere there are people huddled together and no one rises to the very top without swearing an oath to that "brotherhood" first and they permeate every other organization from judges and lawyers to law-enforcement to buisness and entertainment to religeon and any other "position" that commands and controls inbetween from your local sheriff to the halls of congress to the president himself...all who has not sworn that oath and some that did but were deemed to be weak in "knowing" eyes are kept "in their place" to be used as pawns "unknowingly" as defenders and stooges...its a big club and you aint in it?...i contend some who are havent a clue about what they actually are a member of and only know what they have been told by design and function