This is called extortion. It is a crime. Now, let us behold our champions of justice in Washington DC- the republican party, fight for truth, justice, and the American way!
Who's gonna doubt that those miserable, traitorous, uniparty cucks don't do a damned thing about this crime?
Anyone not bringing extortion charges against Austin, or at the very least removing him from the administration is guilty of being an accessory to the extortion of congress as far as I'm concerned.
This is called extortion. It is a crime. Now, let us behold our champions of justice in Washington DC- the republican party, fight for truth, justice, and the American way!
Who's gonna doubt that those miserable, traitorous, uniparty cucks don't do a damned thing about this crime?
Anyone not bringing extortion charges against Austin, or at the very least removing him from the administration is guilty of being an accessory to the extortion of congress as far as I'm concerned.