Everyone should be fit and have food and emergency supplies, it's fucking insane that normies think this is crazy. The kind of people who would have no insurance if they weren't forced to I guess?
Extra food AT LEAST, I mean come on, what if you lose your job? It doesn't have to be doomsday.
And being fit? If you've been psyopped into thinking that working out is some "andrew tate, right wing, joe rogan, dumb shit" then you truly deserve what they have planned for you.
Everyone should be fit and have food and emergency supplies, it's fucking insane that normies think this is crazy. The kind of people who would have no insurance if they weren't forced to I guess?
Extra food AT LEAST, I mean come on, what if you lose your job? It doesn't have to be doomsday.
And being fit? If you've been psyopped into thinking that working out is some "andrew tate, right wing, joe rogan, dumb shit" then you truly deserve what they have planned for you.