The โInvestigative Findingsโ or conclusion of the FBI, GBI, and GA SOS report omits the most important accusations!
The Gateway Pundit was the first to report that the election workers, Ruby Freeman, Shae Moss, Ralph Jones, and others, were shoving stacks of ballots through the machines numerous times. There is a video of Ruby taking a stack of ballots and shoving the ballots through the machines three times. There is a video of Ralph shoving that same stack of ballots through his machine.
After a three-year investigation โ Chris Wray and the FBI DO NOT EVEN MENTION THIS in their Investigative findings.
And these ballots were special, they were seperate from all the other ballots. They were so special they kept these ballots inside these black suitcase like boxes. And then if that did not make them special enough, they hid these ballots under a table with coverings over them, you know because, special.
They were so special that only Democrats could see them and they had to wait until all Republicans were told to leave. And as soon as all left and I mean AS SOON as they left they all had a plan they put into effect.
If an honest media showed that to American people in a transparent measure than all would agree that those people were doing something illegal.
And these ballots were special, they were seperate from all the other ballots. They were so special they kept these ballots inside these black suitcase like boxes. And then if that did not make them special enough, they hid these ballots under a table with coverings over them, you know because, special.
They were so special that only Democrats could see them and they had to wait until all Republicans were told to leave. And as soon as all left and I mean AS SOON as they left they all had a plan they put into effect.
If an honest media showed that to American people in a transparent measure than all would agree that those people were doing something illegal.