Then I’m not sure then why you’re expecting Etsy to have to answer. If there’s no sale, and no real engagement, and it was removed, then there’s no issue.
It seems you’re preemptively outraged before getting the info.
At a minimum it may fall under solicitation.
If we’re really talking minimum then at minimum it falls under pointless spam posted by a troll just to get someone riled up thinking there’s something dark going on.
Pizzagate isn’t some niche thing. Everyone knows about it. It’s on mainstream news. It could very well just be someone making the post just to stir trouble
The sales are made and quickly deleted when exposed ? You need to dig to make sure of what is really going on.
Any reason you do not care to dig deeper to be assured of what you claim ?
Where are you seeing that the sales were made?
No info of sales if any. At a minimum it may fall under solicitation. This is why I am waiting on more information.
Then I’m not sure then why you’re expecting Etsy to have to answer. If there’s no sale, and no real engagement, and it was removed, then there’s no issue.
It seems you’re preemptively outraged before getting the info.
If we’re really talking minimum then at minimum it falls under pointless spam posted by a troll just to get someone riled up thinking there’s something dark going on.
Pizzagate isn’t some niche thing. Everyone knows about it. It’s on mainstream news. It could very well just be someone making the post just to stir trouble
Appears it happened again. It is fine if you wish to dismiss this as that is your choice. Mine is to wait until I have answers to my questions.