US has gone radio silent on the Red Sea. Did Iran really scare off the US Navy?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
All shipping seems to have stopped, the US fleet "appears" to have withdrawn, no major news org is covering this at all.
Anyone have sources OTHER than Iran on this? Because there is a lot of silence, even from those who would normally know.
Confused? Not at all, the comment did exactly what it was intended to do, caught your attention. If I were to say, "they" are going to cause strife/war in the Red Sea to get the 'fooled' world to agree that the [Ben Gurion Canal] needs to be built and it should be built the shortest way, you would say I'm crazy. I even added the USS Liberty to direct your attention, but you lack the ability to summarize what was being conveyed.. I guess I should have spell it out for those of you in the back of the room, I should have put 'Sarcasm' after the first comment to better help you understand. And I'll go one further, the [Dome of The Rock] will get "accidental" rocketed (rockets are flying in Jerusalem today), and then it will get blamed on the wrong people. And then a "Third Temple (which is NOT need for real Christians)" will be built in it's place, and "sacrificing" (which also is NOT needed, 'cause Christ was to be the last sacrifice) will start again. The writing is 'on the wall', if anybody would care to read it.. And one last thing, America will pay for it all.....
Cool cool cool