It's all fun & games until you realize there's been Harvard evil geeks working on brain control since 2006, among other brain frying technologies (look up Charles Lieber, 50+ patents on connecting brains to the internet). Your friends and family may only be partially at fault. That's the point where you saddle up to save your friends and loved ones and say "Not on my shift."
We all have friends and family that took it....
So? So did I. Mine can take a hike until they choke and burn in hell, as far as I'm concerned. There was nothing good about any of them.
It's all fun & games until you realize there's been Harvard evil geeks working on brain control since 2006, among other brain frying technologies (look up Charles Lieber, 50+ patents on connecting brains to the internet). Your friends and family may only be partially at fault. That's the point where you saddle up to save your friends and loved ones and say "Not on my shift."
I love my family.
They are good people even if they did fall for the vax.