Fenben Cancer Protocol Information
Fenbendazole – Cancer Support Group copyright 2021
The first Fenben protocol was developed by Steve Beddingfield in 2012. It was aimed at helping people heal from disease. It consisted of 3 basic steps: 1) “Get Things Moving” which meant to get your digestive system moving and ready to remove toxins by taking things like Magnesium Oxide, Castor oil etc. 2) Reishi Mushrooms and 3) Fenbendazole. Today, thousands of people follow or have followed Steve’s protocol with great success.
In 2017, Joe Tippens began his blog and his new Fenben Protocol for Cancer consisting of Fenbendazole, Curcumin and CBD oil. Today, Joe’s protocol is helping people worldwide in their struggle against Cancer.
Although these Fenben Protocols are both amazing and still very valid, we feel that additions can be made based on new clinical research and our findings within our groups.
We have included suggestions of brands, yet you can certainly choose a different brand with the same qualities.
Fenbendazole is traditionally an anthelmintic that has been used safely for decades as an animal wormer. However, over the past 40 years, anthelmintics like Fenben have been studied for other potential uses by scientists looking for answers for disease treatment. Fenbendazole acts slightly differently than other anthelmintics in that is much gentler on the system and is unlikely to cause resistance even over years of daily use.
How does Fenben work for Cancer?
Fenbendazole fights cancer by halting the mitosis of cancer cells through multiple pathways.
It bonds to and disrupts the micro tubulin of abnormal cells.
It inhibits glucose delivery to cancer cells.
It reduces glucose uptake in cancer cells by down regulating GLUT transporters.
It acts as a kinase inhibitor and helps block the formation of new blood vessels necessary for tumors to survive.
It stimulates the P53 to suppress and fight tumors.
We suggest starting at approximately 200-300 mg daily. It’s important to take your Fenben with fat to help absorption unless you are using a water-soluble version. The only water-soluble version is Fenben Bio from Happy Healing, yet you can make Happy Healing Fenben Pure water soluble by adding a small amount of DMSO.
Water-soluble Fenben absorbs very fast and fat-soluble Fenben absorbs slowly. Fat-soluble Fenben needs to first go to the liver where it is slowly changed into water-soluble Fenben and then is absorbed systemically. Because of the potential benefits of both water-soluble and fat-soluble Fenben we suggest a combination of the two for continual absorption.
We also suggest taking your Fenben in divided dosages especially when using a water-soluble form.
While taking Fenben please have your liver function monitored. If your liver is fine and you are not experiencing overwhelmingly uncomfortable die-off symptoms, then we recommend that you start increasing your Fenben dosage incrementally every week.
There are not many side effects of fenbendazole, but one can experience die-off symptoms or a “Herxheimer reaction” as the body struggles to rid itself of toxins. The Herxheimer reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms. This is a normal and even healthy reaction that indicates that pathogens are effectively being killed off.
It is very important in this stage to make sure you are resting, drinking enough fluids, and eliminating well.
We feel that an average of 1,000-2,000mg of Fenben is needed daily to make a huge difference in diseases like Cancer yet lower dosages will still help.
Fenben Brands:
Below we have broken down the price to what you pay per gram of fenbendazole.
The brands included are the only ones we have tested and met the standards for correct dosage as well as passed all tests for microbes, molds and heavy metals.
“Happy Healing Fenben Tablets 222mg” 90 tablets (19,980mg) for $75 ($3.75 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Tablets 300mg” 90 tablets (27,000mg) for $80 ($2.96 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Tablets 500mg” 90 tablets (45,000mg) for $90 ($2.00 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Pure 50g” 225 servings (50,000mg) for $75 ($1.50 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Bio Capsules” 30 servings (6,660mg) for $75 ($11.26 per gram) “Panacur C Granules” 3 servings (666mg) for $8.20 ($12.31 per gram)
“Safeguard Granules” 9 servings (1,998mg) for $26 ($13.01 per gram)
We strongly suggest that you take the first 2 supplements listed at the same time as your Fenben. Those are a Multivitamin and an Omega 3 Fatty Acid/Oil.
MULTIVITAMIN: Take as directed on label
Divide the total daily recommended dosage of your Multivitamin and take it with your Fenben. Studies have shown that Fenben when combined with vitamins is more effective.
We like Liposomal Multivitamins as they will more easily penetrate cells.
Multivitamin Brands:
“Quicksilver Scientific Liposomal Ultra Vitamin Liquid” $54 for 20 servings
“Core Liposomal Active Methylated B-Complex, Minerals, Antioxidants-Complete Multivitamin” $42 for 30 servings
OMEGA 3: 1000+mg
Divide the total daily recommended dosage of your Omega 3s and take with your Fenben.
Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered immunonutrients and are commonly used in nutritional therapy of cancer patients due to their ample biological effects. Research suggests that Omega 3 fatty acids can modulate pivotal pathways underlying complications in Cancer.
Omega 3 Brands:
“Dr. Tobias Omega 3 Fish Oil-Triple Strength” $13 for 60 capsules
“Bio Schwartz Icelandic Ultra Pure Omega 3 Fish Oil” $17 for 90 capsules
TUDCA: 500-2000mg
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, or TUDCA, is a bile acid derivative that occurs naturally in the body. We
Bile Acids such as Tudca help us digest and absorb the fat-soluble vitamins and compounds such as vitamins A, D, E and K as well as Fenbendazole. Bile also breaks down foods, cholesterol, and can
only make small amounts of this health-giving compound in our body, but this bile salt influences
many bodily functions, from the brain to the kidneys to eye health and more.
TUDCA is a new star in the functional medicine world, quickly advancing as a front-runner amongst
supplements due to its many potential benefits, including brain health, liver health, mitochondria and
cellular support, and more.
destroy harmful bacteria. Bile helps the body eliminate waste, excrete cholesterol, and regulate metabolism.
Tudca Brands:
“Maxlife Naturals Tudca 500mg” $30 for 60 capsules
“Nutricost Tudca 500mg” $32 for 30 capsules
“Double Wood Supplements Tudca 250mg” $30 for 60 capsules
MUSHROOMS: 1000-2000mg
We suggest that you choose at least 2 of these varieties of mushrooms. It is vitally important that you choose only organically grown mushrooms. All suggestions here are organically grown.
Reishi Mushrooms
The Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) is one of the greatest substances known to mankind. This friendly fungi possess over 800 known active biomolecules. Reishi can be taken indefinitely and is known to support the immune system, healthy blood circulation, digestion, metabolism and detoxification of the liver and kidneys. Studies have indicated potential benefits in tumor reduction and lessening the side effects of chemotherapy.
For this supplement there are many great brands. Some are the traditional powdered reishi in capsules and the newest version is spore oil softgels. Reishi Spore Oil encapsulates 2 pounds of reishi in every single capsule.
Reishi Brands:
“Happy Healing Reishi Spore Oil” $85 for 60 capsules
“Ganoherb Reishi Mushroom Spore Oil” $180 for 30 capsules
“Aloha Medicinals – Red Reishi Organic Mushrooms” $25 for 90 capsules
Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms
Agaricus Blazei is an edible, medicinal mushroom originating from Brazil. It has been traditionally used for as a natural method of protection against and treatment for a wide range of maladies.
In clinical studies Agaricus Blazei has been proven to improve the quality of life in patients receiving high dose chemotherapy treatments and improve the outcome of those treatments.
It also was shown to increase NK cell activity resulting in targeted cell apoptosis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18926679/
Agaricus Brands:
“Happy Healing Agaricus Blazei” $30 for 90 capsules “Aloha Medicinals Agaricus Blazei” $50 for 180 capsules
Turkey Tail Mushrooms
Trametes versicolor (Turkey tail) mushrooms have been used to treat various maladies for hundreds of years in Asia, Europe, and by indigenous peoples in North America.
Today, clinical studies published report that turkey tail mushrooms can augment conventional therapies by increasing NK and CD8+T cell activity.
Additionally, Turkey tails have been found to excrete strong antiviral compounds, specifically active against oncoviruses (viruses that can lead to Cancer).
Turkey Tail Brands:
“Happy Healing Turkey Tail” $30 for 90 capsules “Aloha Medicinals Turkey Tail” $25 for 90 capsules
Maitake Mushrooms
Gifola Frondosa (Maitake) mushrooms
Miatake Brands:
“Host Defense Maitake” $50 for 60 capsules
have been used in traditional Chinese medicine many
years mushrooms while recent study has shown its potential for immunomodulatory and
antitumoral properties.
Huaier Mushrooms
Tremetes Robinophila (Huaier) mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 1,600 years. New research suggests that
Artemisinin is the active constituent of the plant Artemisia Annua. It is also known as sweet wormwood or Qinghaosu and has been used for centuries to remove toxins and parasites from the body.
In recent years, artemisinin has also been shown to possess selective anticancer properties, demonstrating cytotoxic effects against a wide range of Cancer types both in vitro and in
vivo. These effects appear to be mediated by artemisinin-induced changes in multiple signaling pathways.
We recommend a liposomal form of Artemisinin to increase absorption.
Artemisinin Brands:
“Happy Healing Liposomal Artemisinin” $70 for 90 servings/capsules “Healthy Drops Liposomal Artemisinin” $35 for 4oz or 24 servings/Tbps
Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the body that regulates circadian rhythms and healthy sleep patterns. While lower doses of melatonin are widely used to promote sleep, higher doses are being used in many exciting new ways. The decrease in levels of melatonin has been linked to age-related diseases such as dementia. Studies have found that high doses of Melatonin can disrupt the progression and metastasis phases of malignant cells and halt cell division in masses.
Melatonin Brands:
“Happy Healing HiDose Melatonin” $45 for 90 servings/capsules “Perfect Vitamin Products Melatonin Max” $33 for 60 servings/capsules
CURCUMIN: 600+mg
Curcumin, a polyphenol extracted from Curcuma longa, has gained attention from scientists worldwide for its biological activities as a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral. In studies, Curcumin has been shown to target the cell signaling pathways involved in Cancer development and proliferation. It has been found to modulate growth factors, enzymes, transcription factors, kinase, inflammatory cytokines, proapoptotic proteins (by upregulation) and antiapoptotic (by downregulation).
Curcumin Brands:
“Happy Healing Liposomal Curcumin” $60 for 90 capsules
“Ultra Botanica Onco Adjunct Pathway 2” $54.50 for 60 capsules “Integrative Therapeutics Bioavailable Curcumin” $50 for 30 servings
CBD/THC: 50+mg
Over the past few decades, scientists have studied the cannabis plant and found great potential for the treatment of Cancer and disease.
Cannabinoids display anticancer effects by suppressing the
proliferation, migration and/or invasion of Cancer cells, as well as tumor angiogenesis. Along with
cannabinoids, the cannabis plant contains several other compounds that have also been shown to
exert anti-tumorigenic actions such as terpenes and flavonoids.
Cannabis and Hemp have a vast array of different cannabinoids with CBD and THC being just a few.
Others include CBN, THCv, CBC, CBG, CBE, CBF, CBL, CBT, and CBR. We recommend a Full Spectrum
Oil so you will get the maximum benefit from several of these cannabinoids. When shopping for a
tincture, please know that HEMP oil = CBD oil for the most part. The differences usually have to do
with the amount of Delta 9 THC in the product. Hemp oil contains less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC.
We recommend finding a dark, rich oil that is full of terpenes and flavonoids. These are what gives
the cannabis plant it’s color, smell, and flavor. These compounds are equally important and highly
processed, light oils don’t usually contain them.
In the 2018 Farm Bill legislators limited the amount of Delta 9 THC that could be available legally to
the USA but they didn’t foresee the determination and ingenuity of cannabis fans who now have
isolated strains of both Delta 8 THC and Delta 10 THC. These are (for the most part) are completely
legal for now and available without a prescription. Please check your state or local laws. Please
note that THC is not for everyone however CBD usually is. There are plenty of great full spectrum
CBD/Hemp oils on the market with less than the legal limit of 0.3% of THC.
“Happy Healing Full Sprectrum CBD/CBN/Delta 10 Oils” 2000mg CBD/full spectrum oil $100 for 30ml
2300mg CBD/CBN full spectrum oil $125 for 30ml
1:1 Delta 10/CBD full spectrum oil $80 for 30ml
“Ultra Botanica Onco Adjunct Pathway 1” $275 for 60ml
Extracts from the olive leaf and olive fruit such as Oleuropein and Hydoxytyrol have been shown to have a numerous health benefits, such as positive effects on blood pressure, blood sugar, lipid profiles, insulin sensitivity, bone health, immunity, and disease prevention.
Perhaps the most promising new discovery in relation to the olive tree is the power found in the waxy olive skin which contains a substance called terpenes (or terpenoids) which are what gives the plant it’s color, smell, and flavor. Terpenes are used by the plant to discourage predators and pathogens. They can be extracted and used for these same purposes in the human body.
Olive skin terpenes are now getting attention worldwide by medical researchers, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies for their potential use in Cancer and other diseases. The pentacyclic triterpenes of Oleanoic acid and Maslinic acid provide a significant natural defense against Cancer. In addition to their cancer-fighting power, these are potent anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, antimicrobials, anti-ulcer, anti-tumor, antiviral, anti-diabetic.
Maslinic acid specifically has been shown to have an anti-proliferative effect on
“Happy Healing Maslinic Acid Olive Extract” Contains the most Maslinic Acid $70 for 90 capsules
Fenben Cancer Protocol Information Fenbendazole – Cancer Support Group copyright 2021 The first Fenben protocol was developed by Steve Beddingfield in 2012. It was aimed at helping people heal from disease. It consisted of 3 basic steps: 1) “Get Things Moving” which meant to get your digestive system moving and ready to remove toxins by taking things like Magnesium Oxide, Castor oil etc. 2) Reishi Mushrooms and 3) Fenbendazole. Today, thousands of people follow or have followed Steve’s protocol with great success. In 2017, Joe Tippens began his blog and his new Fenben Protocol for Cancer consisting of Fenbendazole, Curcumin and CBD oil. Today, Joe’s protocol is helping people worldwide in their struggle against Cancer. Although these Fenben Protocols are both amazing and still very valid, we feel that additions can be made based on new clinical research and our findings within our groups. We have included suggestions of brands, yet you can certainly choose a different brand with the same qualities. FENBEN Fenbendazole is traditionally an anthelmintic that has been used safely for decades as an animal wormer. However, over the past 40 years, anthelmintics like Fenben have been studied for other potential uses by scientists looking for answers for disease treatment. Fenbendazole acts slightly differently than other anthelmintics in that is much gentler on the system and is unlikely to cause resistance even over years of daily use. How does Fenben work for Cancer? Fenbendazole fights cancer by halting the mitosis of cancer cells through multiple pathways.
We suggest starting at approximately 200-300 mg daily. It’s important to take your Fenben with fat to help absorption unless you are using a water-soluble version. The only water-soluble version is Fenben Bio from Happy Healing, yet you can make Happy Healing Fenben Pure water soluble by adding a small amount of DMSO. Water-soluble Fenben absorbs very fast and fat-soluble Fenben absorbs slowly. Fat-soluble Fenben needs to first go to the liver where it is slowly changed into water-soluble Fenben and then is absorbed systemically. Because of the potential benefits of both water-soluble and fat-soluble Fenben we suggest a combination of the two for continual absorption. We also suggest taking your Fenben in divided dosages especially when using a water-soluble form. While taking Fenben please have your liver function monitored. If your liver is fine and you are not experiencing overwhelmingly uncomfortable die-off symptoms, then we recommend that you start increasing your Fenben dosage incrementally every week. There are not many side effects of fenbendazole, but one can experience die-off symptoms or a “Herxheimer reaction” as the body struggles to rid itself of toxins. The Herxheimer reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms. This is a normal and even healthy reaction that indicates that pathogens are effectively being killed off. It is very important in this stage to make sure you are resting, drinking enough fluids, and eliminating well. We feel that an average of 1,000-2,000mg of Fenben is needed daily to make a huge difference in diseases like Cancer yet lower dosages will still help. Fenben Brands: Below we have broken down the price to what you pay per gram of fenbendazole. The brands included are the only ones we have tested and met the standards for correct dosage as well as passed all tests for microbes, molds and heavy metals. “Happy Healing Fenben Tablets 222mg” 90 tablets (19,980mg) for $75 ($3.75 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Tablets 300mg” 90 tablets (27,000mg) for $80 ($2.96 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Tablets 500mg” 90 tablets (45,000mg) for $90 ($2.00 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Pure 50g” 225 servings (50,000mg) for $75 ($1.50 per gram) “Happy Healing Fenben Bio Capsules” 30 servings (6,660mg) for $75 ($11.26 per gram) “Panacur C Granules” 3 servings (666mg) for $8.20 ($12.31 per gram) “Safeguard Granules” 9 servings (1,998mg) for $26 ($13.01 per gram)
SUPPLEMENTS We strongly suggest that you take the first 2 supplements listed at the same time as your Fenben. Those are a Multivitamin and an Omega 3 Fatty Acid/Oil. MULTIVITAMIN: Take as directed on label Divide the total daily recommended dosage of your Multivitamin and take it with your Fenben. Studies have shown that Fenben when combined with vitamins is more effective. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687140/ We like Liposomal Multivitamins as they will more easily penetrate cells. Multivitamin Brands: “Quicksilver Scientific Liposomal Ultra Vitamin Liquid” $54 for 20 servings “Core Liposomal Active Methylated B-Complex, Minerals, Antioxidants-Complete Multivitamin” $42 for 30 servings OMEGA 3: 1000+mg Divide the total daily recommended dosage of your Omega 3s and take with your Fenben. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered immunonutrients and are commonly used in nutritional therapy of cancer patients due to their ample biological effects. Research suggests that Omega 3 fatty acids can modulate pivotal pathways underlying complications in Cancer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6566772/ Omega 3 Brands: “Dr. Tobias Omega 3 Fish Oil-Triple Strength” $13 for 60 capsules “Bio Schwartz Icelandic Ultra Pure Omega 3 Fish Oil” $17 for 90 capsules TUDCA: 500-2000mg Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, or TUDCA, is a bile acid derivative that occurs naturally in the body. We Bile Acids such as Tudca help us digest and absorb the fat-soluble vitamins and compounds such as vitamins A, D, E and K as well as Fenbendazole. Bile also breaks down foods, cholesterol, and can only make small amounts of this health-giving compound in our body, but this bile salt influences many bodily functions, from the brain to the kidneys to eye health and more. TUDCA is a new star in the functional medicine world, quickly advancing as a front-runner amongst supplements due to its many potential benefits, including brain health, liver health, mitochondria and cellular support, and more.
destroy harmful bacteria. Bile helps the body eliminate waste, excrete cholesterol, and regulate metabolism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4030606/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30378164/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31757001/ Tudca Brands: “Maxlife Naturals Tudca 500mg” $30 for 60 capsules “Nutricost Tudca 500mg” $32 for 30 capsules “Double Wood Supplements Tudca 250mg” $30 for 60 capsules MUSHROOMS: 1000-2000mg We suggest that you choose at least 2 of these varieties of mushrooms. It is vitally important that you choose only organically grown mushrooms. All suggestions here are organically grown. Reishi Mushrooms The Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) is one of the greatest substances known to mankind. This friendly fungi possess over 800 known active biomolecules. Reishi can be taken indefinitely and is known to support the immune system, healthy blood circulation, digestion, metabolism and detoxification of the liver and kidneys. Studies have indicated potential benefits in tumor reduction and lessening the side effects of chemotherapy. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14713328/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18360695/ For this supplement there are many great brands. Some are the traditional powdered reishi in capsules and the newest version is spore oil softgels. Reishi Spore Oil encapsulates 2 pounds of reishi in every single capsule. Reishi Brands: “Happy Healing Reishi Spore Oil” $85 for 60 capsules “Ganoherb Reishi Mushroom Spore Oil” $180 for 30 capsules “Aloha Medicinals – Red Reishi Organic Mushrooms” $25 for 90 capsules
Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms Agaricus Blazei is an edible, medicinal mushroom originating from Brazil. It has been traditionally used for as a natural method of protection against and treatment for a wide range of maladies. In clinical studies Agaricus Blazei has been proven to improve the quality of life in patients receiving high dose chemotherapy treatments and improve the outcome of those treatments. It also was shown to increase NK cell activity resulting in targeted cell apoptosis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18926679/ Agaricus Brands: “Happy Healing Agaricus Blazei” $30 for 90 capsules “Aloha Medicinals Agaricus Blazei” $50 for 180 capsules Turkey Tail Mushrooms Trametes versicolor (Turkey tail) mushrooms have been used to treat various maladies for hundreds of years in Asia, Europe, and by indigenous peoples in North America. Today, clinical studies published report that turkey tail mushrooms can augment conventional therapies by increasing NK and CD8+T cell activity. Additionally, Turkey tails have been found to excrete strong antiviral compounds, specifically active against oncoviruses (viruses that can lead to Cancer). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22701186/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25271984/ Turkey Tail Brands: “Happy Healing Turkey Tail” $30 for 90 capsules “Aloha Medicinals Turkey Tail” $25 for 90 capsules Maitake Mushrooms Gifola Frondosa (Maitake) mushrooms https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10851301/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21480800/ Miatake Brands: “Host Defense Maitake” $50 for 60 capsules have been used in traditional Chinese medicine many years mushrooms while recent study has shown its potential for immunomodulatory and antitumoral properties.
Huaier Mushrooms Tremetes Robinophila (Huaier) mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 1,600 years. New research suggests that https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25955759/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32596377/ ARTEMISININ: 200+mg Artemisinin is the active constituent of the plant Artemisia Annua. It is also known as sweet wormwood or Qinghaosu and has been used for centuries to remove toxins and parasites from the body. In recent years, artemisinin has also been shown to possess selective anticancer properties, demonstrating cytotoxic effects against a wide range of Cancer types both in vitro and in vivo. These effects appear to be mediated by artemisinin-induced changes in multiple signaling pathways. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28643446/ We recommend a liposomal form of Artemisinin to increase absorption. Artemisinin Brands: “Happy Healing Liposomal Artemisinin” $70 for 90 servings/capsules “Healthy Drops Liposomal Artemisinin” $35 for 4oz or 24 servings/Tbps MELATONIN: 60+mg Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the body that regulates circadian rhythms and healthy sleep patterns. While lower doses of melatonin are widely used to promote sleep, higher doses are being used in many exciting new ways. The decrease in levels of melatonin has been linked to age-related diseases such as dementia. Studies have found that high doses of Melatonin can disrupt the progression and metastasis phases of malignant cells and halt cell division in masses. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15582288/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22753734/ Melatonin Brands: “Happy Healing HiDose Melatonin” $45 for 90 servings/capsules “Perfect Vitamin Products Melatonin Max” $33 for 60 servings/capsules
CURCUMIN: 600+mg Curcumin, a polyphenol extracted from Curcuma longa, has gained attention from scientists worldwide for its biological activities as a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral. In studies, Curcumin has been shown to target the cell signaling pathways involved in Cancer development and proliferation. It has been found to modulate growth factors, enzymes, transcription factors, kinase, inflammatory cytokines, proapoptotic proteins (by upregulation) and antiapoptotic (by downregulation). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31590362/ Curcumin Brands: “Happy Healing Liposomal Curcumin” $60 for 90 capsules “Ultra Botanica Onco Adjunct Pathway 2” $54.50 for 60 capsules “Integrative Therapeutics Bioavailable Curcumin” $50 for 30 servings CBD/THC: 50+mg Over the past few decades, scientists have studied the cannabis plant and found great potential for the treatment of Cancer and disease. Cannabinoids display anticancer effects by suppressing the proliferation, migration and/or invasion of Cancer cells, as well as tumor angiogenesis. Along with cannabinoids, the cannabis plant contains several other compounds that have also been shown to exert anti-tumorigenic actions such as terpenes and flavonoids. Cannabis and Hemp have a vast array of different cannabinoids with CBD and THC being just a few. Others include CBN, THCv, CBC, CBG, CBE, CBF, CBL, CBT, and CBR. We recommend a Full Spectrum Oil so you will get the maximum benefit from several of these cannabinoids. When shopping for a tincture, please know that HEMP oil = CBD oil for the most part. The differences usually have to do with the amount of Delta 9 THC in the product. Hemp oil contains less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC. We recommend finding a dark, rich oil that is full of terpenes and flavonoids. These are what gives the cannabis plant it’s color, smell, and flavor. These compounds are equally important and highly processed, light oils don’t usually contain them. In the 2018 Farm Bill legislators limited the amount of Delta 9 THC that could be available legally to the USA but they didn’t foresee the determination and ingenuity of cannabis fans who now have isolated strains of both Delta 8 THC and Delta 10 THC. These are (for the most part) are completely legal for now and available without a prescription. Please check your state or local laws. Please note that THC is not for everyone however CBD usually is. There are plenty of great full spectrum CBD/Hemp oils on the market with less than the legal limit of 0.3% of THC. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7693730/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7409346/
Brands: “Happy Healing Full Sprectrum CBD/CBN/Delta 10 Oils” 2000mg CBD/full spectrum oil $100 for 30ml 2300mg CBD/CBN full spectrum oil $125 for 30ml 1:1 Delta 10/CBD full spectrum oil $80 for 30ml “Ultra Botanica Onco Adjunct Pathway 1” $275 for 60ml OLIVE EXTRACT: 1000+mg Extracts from the olive leaf and olive fruit such as Oleuropein and Hydoxytyrol have been shown to have a numerous health benefits, such as positive effects on blood pressure, blood sugar, lipid profiles, insulin sensitivity, bone health, immunity, and disease prevention. Perhaps the most promising new discovery in relation to the olive tree is the power found in the waxy olive skin which contains a substance called terpenes (or terpenoids) which are what gives the plant it’s color, smell, and flavor. Terpenes are used by the plant to discourage predators and pathogens. They can be extracted and used for these same purposes in the human body. Olive skin terpenes are now getting attention worldwide by medical researchers, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies for their potential use in Cancer and other diseases. The pentacyclic triterpenes of Oleanoic acid and Maslinic acid provide a significant natural defense against Cancer. In addition to their cancer-fighting power, these are potent anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, antimicrobials, anti-ulcer, anti-tumor, antiviral, anti-diabetic. Maslinic acid specifically has been shown to have an anti-proliferative effect on cells. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23499989/ https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0146178 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600485/ Brands: “Happy Healing Maslinic Acid Olive Extract” Contains the most Maslinic Acid $70 for 90 capsules
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!