...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Endorsing a Bad Note
(Proverbs 11:15) Our recent economic crisis in the U.S. has crippled banks as they reeled from the effect of homeowners who found themselves upside down in their loans and simply abandon their properties to the banks to deal with. The consequences of such decisions have been made clear in the pages of Scripture.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Philippians 1:2-6
Daily Promises
Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)
Ever will the Lord raise up His people from their troubles! Ever will He seek to heal their hurts! Ever will He redeem His people from wickedness! And ever will the Lord Almighty strengthen the resolve of His children that they might proclaim His mercies forever! Praise His name forever all you His people! Hallelujah!
A Heritage Left Behind
Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. — Psalm 22:4
When our lives are over, what will those who follow behind us say? Our desire should be that a heritage is left behind for them to trust and follow God.
Casting Pods
Israel Quietly Rolls Back Oct 7 Death Count, Senate Video Is A Metaphor...Slow News Day Podcast
US and Israel Allegedly at Odds over Intensity of Gaza Attack...The Final Countdown Podcast
Rus Amb Polyansky: Only Outcome Kiev Surrender, Duma Discuss Harsh Peace Terms; ME Escalation Coming The Duran Podcast
West Seeks New Narrative to Frame Failing Ukraine..The New Atlas Podcast
Dog Woo
In the democracy of the dead all men at last are equal. There is neither rank nor station nor prerogative in the republic of the grave.
John James Ingalls
Today's Wins
1 36 Times the MSM Lied About Joe Biden and Projected It Onto Donald Trump
2 Blaze Media investigative journalist Steve Baker says Justice Department will be charging him for his Jan. 6 reporting
3 Why Everyone Should Question CDC ‘Low Vaccination Rates’ Health Advisory Issued At Beginning of ‘Peak Flu’
4 Is it time for Eric Swalwell to face a SWAT raid and years in a D.C. jail?
5 This Bill of Rights Day, Let’s Celebrate the Preamble
7 Will the Georgia Board of Elections Decide to Move Forward with the Investigation into Secretary of State Raffensperger This Week?
8 HUGE Crowds See President Trump in New Hampshire and Las Vegas Yesterday
9 Many Republicans Find Ally in RFK Over Vaccines, but Remain Loyal to Trump
10 Biden Promised “Decency” Instead Democrats Give Us Gay Porn in Capitol, Trashy Drag Queens and Topless Transgenders at the White House
11 Congressional staffer allegedly seen in leaked video could face charges, legal expert says
12 US homelessness up 12% to highest reported level as rents soar and lockdown aid lapses
13 Twitter/X community notes gets an 'F' on autism studies
14 Scientists revisit Solomon Asch's classic conformity experiments with surprising results
15 The Trouble with Nouns
16 The Christmas Bunny
Look What The Dog Dragged In
17 Irish Rebellion, Israeli Genocide, Western Russia Obsession
18 Ukraine issues arrest warrant for Russian Orthodox Christian leader Patriarch Kirill
19 Fresh anti-Russia sanctions to cause more damage to EU: Moscow
20 World War III approaches – just as planned...If massive depopulation is the end goal, then continued support for Ukraine is the way to go
21 'Fragile': Ukraine commander criticizes France's howitzer as incapable of dealing with combat conditions
22 Western Policymakers Are Panicking Because There Was No Plan B if the Counteroffensive Failed
23 IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT ISRAELI MILITARY KNOWINGLY KILLING UNARMED CIVILIANS....These three names — Yotam Haim, Samar Talalka and Alon Lulu Shamriz — may prove to be the catalyst that removes Bibi Netanyahu from office and sends him to prison. Israeli soldiers murdered these three fellow Israelis. It was not a frigging accident. This is a deliberate policy of murder taught to frontline troops and exercised by their commanders. This is what Israel has been doing for more than two months to Palestinians since the start of the Israeli attack on Gaza.
24 The IDF Are So Good At Killing Israelis They Should Consider Joining Hamas CAITLIN JOHNSTONE
25 "Palestinian Terror Operative" Means Anyone Still Alive
26 US forces in Iraq, Syria came under attack 100 times since October 17
27 In presence of terrorists, Nobel Peace Prize awarded to anti-Iran rabble-rouser
28 Grind at the sugar factory for my mother's gravestone business in Harare...Memories from Kiev, part I - the story of Ralph from Zimbabwe, the mighty central train station, brownshirts against homeless babushkas
29 The price of 'victory': How Israel created one of its own worst enemies
30 The No-State Solution Becomes More and More Real as Israel’s Permanent Nakba Continues
31 In the West Bank, I saw how peace will require confrontation with Israel...(CIA) / Washington Post
32 Gaza deadliest place for journalists, their families, in world
33 How American citizens are leading rise of 'settler violence' on Palestinian lands
34 UK's Abraham Accords company and ‘flatlands’ of the Zionist movement
35 Why does Dutch probable PM Geert Wilders hate Muslims and love Zionists
36 Interpreting The AMIA I -- Peronism, Anti-Peronism, and Conspiracy Culture Or, "Deep Politics" In The Land Of Neurosis
37 Interpreting The AMIA II -- President, Pimp, Prosecutor, Sp(ies)...Why Argentina?
38 Interpreting the AMIA III -- La Triple Frontera...The Stakes
39 Interpreting The AMIA IV -- Jaime...The Puppetmaster
40 As Foundation for ‘Excited Delirium’ Testimony by Police Cracks, Fallout Spreads
Epoch Times Health Briefs
41 Parents Partly to Blame for Children's Lack of Resilience
42 CDC Director Believes US May Have Hit Peak of RSV
43 Chinese Scientists Make Inhalable Dry Powder COVID-19 Vaccine
44 Smoking Shrinks the Brain, and Quitting Doesn’t Restore Size
45 6 Simple, Healthy Potato Recipes to Support Weight Loss and Enhance Spleen–Stomach Function
The Best Of American Thinker
46 Now Is Our Moment
47 Toronto’s latest woke moment exposes the left’s appalling ignorance
48 Democrats, both famous and ordinary, have a foolish consistency
49 After Senate gay sex scandal, where are the morals?
50 The mainstream media willingly hides Biden’s destruction of America
51 Image courtesy of Richard Terrell at After Math.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
52 Capitol Janitors Deep Clean Senate Chamber With Flamethrowers
53 Man Longs For Good Old Days When He Could Go Online Without Seeing Gay Capitol Sex Tape
54 10 Politically Correct Alternatives to Saying 'Merry Christmas'
55 Gingerbread House In California Listed On Zillow For $1.9 Million
56 Clarence The Angel Takes Gavin Newsom To Florida To Show Him What California Would Look Like If He'd Never Been Born
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Reigning Cats And Dogs
1 Tampa Man Rescues Tiny Blind Kitten, Tries To Restore Kitten's Sight
2 Two Sassy Cats Needs Constant Supervision
3 Dog Adopts Small Chipmunk After Owner Brings It Home
4 Lonely Dog Finds Human Bestie, Loves Canoeing with Him
5 Colorado Football Player Adopts Dog He Found And Rescues Kitten, Too:
6 Black Dog Adopted By Shelter Dog
7 Rescue Pet Photos
8 Rescue Pet Photos, Part Two
9 My House, Not My Cat!
10 Let's Talk About Bruno (My Dog) and Others
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 It’s Time for Congress to Open Harvard’s Books
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon Spurgeon December 18th — Morning Reading
"Rend your heart, and not your garments." — Joel 2:13
Garment-rendering and other outward signs of religious emotion, are easily manifested and are frequently hypocritical; but to feel true repentance is far more difficult, and consequently far less common. Men will attend to the most multiplied and minute ceremonial regulations—for such things are pleasing to the flesh—but true religion is too humbling, too heart-searching, too thorough for the tastes of the carnal men; they prefer something more ostentatious, flimsy, and worldly. Outward observances are temporarily comfortable; eye and ear are pleased; self-conceit is fed, and self-righteousness is puffed up: but they are ultimately delusive, for in the article of death, and at the day of judgment, the soul needs something more substantial than ceremonies and rituals to lean upon. Apart from vital godliness all religion is utterly vain; offered without a sincere heart, every form of worship is a solemn sham and an impudent mockery of the majesty of heaven.
HEART-RENDING is divinely wrought and solemnly felt. It is a secret grief which is personally experienced, not in mere form, but as a deep, soul-moving work of the Holy Spirit upon the inmost heart of each believer. It is not a matter to be merely talked of and believed in, but keenly and sensitively felt in every living child of the living God. It is powerfully humiliating, and completely sin-purging; but then it is sweetly preparative for those gracious consolations which proud unhumbled spirits are unable to receive; and it is distinctly discriminating, for it belongs to the elect of God, and to them alone.
The text commands us to rend our hearts, but they are naturally hard as marble: how, then, can this be done? We must take them to Calvary: a dying Saviour's voice rent the rocks once, and it is as powerful now. O blessed Spirit, let us hear the death-cries of Jesus, and our hearts shall be rent even as men rend their vestures in the day of lamentation.