posted ago by TrumpLovinChildOfGod ago by TrumpLovinChildOfGod +45 / -0

@PeterBernegger The City of Milwaukee tallied 247,762 ballots on November 3rd, 2020, including the fraudulent ones by Claire Woodall-Vogg brought in at 1:15am on Nov. 4th (see tweet below). Claire testified she had "over 2,500 workers" that day (see two tweets below). Ballots divided by workers = 99 ballots per worker. Of course, those workers had other responsibilities. But this still shows how horrendous Claire is as a manager. MKE began counting ballots at 7am, but no observers were allowed in until about 7:25am as Claire had a goon blocking the elevator. According to Claire, they finished at 3am on Nov. 4th. That's 20 hours, or 5 ballots per worker per hour. Mayor Cavalier Johnson - do you know how to use a calculator? Have you ever considered having an efficiency auditor and industrial engineer at each of Claire's election days as Jay Stone suggested? Personally, I'd prefer the National Guard to be there due to my tweet below. Then they could also stop the runners going house to house paying $40 per ballot in your city. Unbelievably State Assembly Rep (R) Ron Tusler is promoting a bill to give Claire and others like her - such as the very corrupt city of Green Bay election clerk Celeste Jefferies - more time to cheat. Think of this idiocy: @RepRonTusler has a clerk processing 5 ballots per worker/hour now, and he pushes a bill that would drop that to 2.5 ballots per worker/hour. And his bill is going to force many to work the whole weekend before Tuesday elections to set up for Monday counting. Costs are going to skyrocket. We need someone to primary this ambulance chaser.