Lay bare all the C19 vaccine data, especially the parts regarding death and injury. Make it appear in every medical journal, front page of every magazine, newspaper, on billboards, posted at every hospital entrance, doctor’s office, pharmacy, college entrance and employee entrance in America. Make it air as the lead story on every news program on air, on cable, on satellite and online. Make the data clear, easy to understand and unambiguous. Make the vaxtards own it, every bit of it. Then air the trials and convictions of those who orchestrated the entire plandemic and make every Karen in the country acknowledge their ignorance and mistake.
Yes. x1000. I do not live my life in the "I TOLD YOU SO!" lane, constantly looking for opportunities to point out when others fucked up. But in this one instance...I want JUSTICE....and be laid bare on the "pandemic" bullshit.
Not so I can rub the collective faces of all those you just mentioned into the truth/justice of it, but because I want THEM to recognize the stress that they put my family and I under when they mandated we get the poison (we didn't), and how they shunned us when we elected not to. My sister and her family. My own freakin' mother. And countless friends, who we previously thought of as "close."
Let THEM see/learn the truth...I won't say a word. They may have words for me, after three years of barely (or not) communicating) but I won't be listening. As far as I'm concerned, that part of it all (their choice, I might add) won't change...but at least they will know.
Thought I'd learned a lot and did a ton of growing up in the first 50 or so years of my life...but I've learned SO much more about people (and evil) in the last three years alone, a hundredfold more than what I'd learned before.
Lay bare all the C19 vaccine data, especially the parts regarding death and injury. Make it appear in every medical journal, front page of every magazine, newspaper, on billboards, posted at every hospital entrance, doctor’s office, pharmacy, college entrance and employee entrance in America. Make it air as the lead story on every news program on air, on cable, on satellite and online. Make the data clear, easy to understand and unambiguous. Make the vaxtards own it, every bit of it. Then air the trials and convictions of those who orchestrated the entire plandemic and make every Karen in the country acknowledge their ignorance and mistake.
Yes. x1000. I do not live my life in the "I TOLD YOU SO!" lane, constantly looking for opportunities to point out when others fucked up. But in this one instance...I want JUSTICE....and be laid bare on the "pandemic" bullshit.
Not so I can rub the collective faces of all those you just mentioned into the truth/justice of it, but because I want THEM to recognize the stress that they put my family and I under when they mandated we get the poison (we didn't), and how they shunned us when we elected not to. My sister and her family. My own freakin' mother. And countless friends, who we previously thought of as "close."
Let THEM see/learn the truth...I won't say a word. They may have words for me, after three years of barely (or not) communicating) but I won't be listening. As far as I'm concerned, that part of it all (their choice, I might add) won't change...but at least they will know.
Thought I'd learned a lot and did a ton of growing up in the first 50 or so years of my life...but I've learned SO much more about people (and evil) in the last three years alone, a hundredfold more than what I'd learned before.