Alternative search engines & video sites to Google & Youtube
Updated: Friday, December 15, 2023. Over 82 000 views. The generous moderators have allowed an edit to this first top thread and also allowed more characters (words) so I no longer need to reply to this thread with updates. So basically only read this firs...
Thank you for these.
Alternative economy forming.
I printed that page to PDF so I would have a complete record, including clickable links in the PDF file.
Smart anon.
Q wrote for us to save everything.
I get pretty good results searching with Yandex in a private window in Brave. I use Google to search for off the wall crap, such as "stool softeners," so they can't quite figure me out. It's related to bombers throwing out metal chaff to confuse radars, and most of us "being the gray man" to keep from drawing unwanted attention for the moment.
Yandex kept asking me to verify myself. I have a hard time using it.
Did that with every search.
I only get that very occasionally. I use a private window in Brave. Perhaps that makes a difference. Your security settings may make a difference as well. I just like that I get more complete results than I get with Google. Also, a number of other search sites actually use Google's engine, which makes them no better on completeness.
I run brave and use private also. Not sure why I get that verification every search. Will have to see what else to do.
Have U really used ALL of these sites? If so I give U a Hat TIP. :)
No. I started to use some that I have not used last night. I have seen and used quite a few of them.
Occasionally a good post comes along with links to alternative sources, but this link is a humdinger compendium of alternative sources to search. Thanks!
You are welcome.
Honestly had no idea there was a list that long of alternatives, let's hear it for Nova Scotia pedes.
Amen. I like options and Nova Scotia gave it to us.