I would also comment that there is a correlation between the great reset, the vax, removing the sheep etc. I am convinced they are reducing competition after whatever ends up happening on our planet. The earths magnetic shield is getting weaker, we know we're overdue for the sun's 12,000 year cycle, and magnetic poles are moving all over the place, with the north pole moving very quickly towards Russia. Most faiths roll back to the last time something like this occurred. Pyramids of Africa, the America's, Asia and Europe existed long before the current cycle. When I see land like the grand canyon, the mountain west, it simply doesn't look like runoff from raindrops over thousands of years. It looks like a large flood event as described in the Bible. They find tropical plants in Antarctica. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120801132339.htm There is a long list of items to observe. Am I full panic, buy a bunker in SD with vivos xpoint? not yet. Am I contemplating that for whatever may come? yes. What about ya'll?
I'm with you on the elites getting rid of the competition so that it increases their own chances of survival when the pole shift is completed. No one disputes the pole shift has already started and is occurring now. The debate is over how fast it will happen. Most people think it will take 1,000 years, creeping along at the same pace as it has been for the last 150 years. But more and more people think that the pace will rapidly increase and that it will hit a "point of no return" where it finishes the flips in an instant, and that could happen as soon as 10 years from now. I think the "elites"are hedging their bets on 10 years, hence the need to get rid of us now.
I would also comment that there is a correlation between the great reset, the vax, removing the sheep etc. I am convinced they are reducing competition after whatever ends up happening on our planet. The earths magnetic shield is getting weaker, we know we're overdue for the sun's 12,000 year cycle, and magnetic poles are moving all over the place, with the north pole moving very quickly towards Russia. Most faiths roll back to the last time something like this occurred. Pyramids of Africa, the America's, Asia and Europe existed long before the current cycle. When I see land like the grand canyon, the mountain west, it simply doesn't look like runoff from raindrops over thousands of years. It looks like a large flood event as described in the Bible. They find tropical plants in Antarctica. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120801132339.htm There is a long list of items to observe. Am I full panic, buy a bunker in SD with vivos xpoint? not yet. Am I contemplating that for whatever may come? yes. What about ya'll?
I'm with you on the elites getting rid of the competition so that it increases their own chances of survival when the pole shift is completed. No one disputes the pole shift has already started and is occurring now. The debate is over how fast it will happen. Most people think it will take 1,000 years, creeping along at the same pace as it has been for the last 150 years. But more and more people think that the pace will rapidly increase and that it will hit a "point of no return" where it finishes the flips in an instant, and that could happen as soon as 10 years from now. I think the "elites"are hedging their bets on 10 years, hence the need to get rid of us now.
This is my exact conclusion, as to why they are pushing the agenda 21, agenda 2030 etc. so proud to see such expanded thinking within this community.