242 You cannot deny they're intentionally committing high treason. (truthsocial.com) 🤡 Democrats & Treason 😡 posted 1 year ago by ZeKaiser 1 year ago by ZeKaiser +242 / -0 InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) BREAKING: Colorado Supreme Court rules Donald Trump is "disqualified" from serving as president under 14th Amendment 44 comments share 44 comments share save hide report block hide replies
FYI: There is no such thing as the crime of "'High' Treason" in the USA. The adjective "High" only applies when treason is committed against a king, or similar monarch- which the USA does not have, and therefore no such law exists within the USA.
One exception would be Hunter Biden, for whom a whole different definition of "high treason" works well.
That, and the word "treason" has been made virtually meaningless now, because people call anything they don't like "treason".
is this comment treason then? kek.
It's not only treason, it's HIGH treason! 😆