posted ago by StormzAComing ago by StormzAComing +77 / -2

ACT I - Prelude to the Storm

Colorado indeed has set off the latest scene of this amazing movie. In attempting to block Trump from being on the primary ballot, they have entirely destroyed any and all possible confidence in free and fair elections. Nayib Bukele of El Salvador correctly observed this. This spells certain death for "democracy." Or rather, "demonocracy." The demons are unable to "get Trump" by any legal means, so they are using illegal and unconstitutional means as their desperation grows.

This sets precedent. Luckily, it will not be long-term. But it will be enough. Moves and countermoves, anyone? DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and others are acting their roles perfectly in this chess game.

Colorado removes Trump. Boom, 9 compromised and unusable electoral votes.

Florida responds by removing Biden. Boom, 30 compromised and unusable electoral votes.

Newsom attempts to sway the pendulum. Boom, 54 compromised and unusable electoral votes.

That's only the public ones at the moment. In this 5D game of chess, Trump started 10 moves ahead. Why would this be happening at this point in the election? The stay cannot prevent the printing of primary ballots as the primary is not a state-regulated, rather a party-regulated, endeavor.

With potentially a hundred or so electoral votes unusable due to election tampering, this will cause massive unrest. Is it time to activate the National Guard?

ACT II - The Storm Builds

Crises beginning to appear will come to a head nearly simultaneously.

Border crisis. Vaccine genocide. Bidengate. Obamagate. Fisagate. Impeachment inquiry. US Steel. Epstein list. Houthis scaring shipping away from the Red Sea. Ukraine war is basically over. Economic crisis. Taiwan. WORLD WAR III*.

Now how much chaos is there? How much chaos was there when an officer kneeled on the neck of a black dude that overdosed on fentanyl?

ACT III - Unleash the KRAKEN!

See why the National Guard must be activated? "Riot control." All planned. Patriots are definitely in control here. This will orchestrate a grass-roots outcry and upheaval, a surge of votes that will immensely overpower any and all fraud.

The activation of the National Guard will indeed encourage many elite criminals to flee the country. The National Guard, activated at all border checkpoints and many major cities, will catch the crooks red-handed. This will trigger the Kraken. Unlike Sidney Powell's nothingburger, this Kraken will be legit. Imagine a thousand arms of justice sweeping the nation, capturing the crooks while maintaining public peace, as it would be under the guise of national security; "oh look, these guys are actually traitors." With global "full-scale" war under way, nearly all militaries will begin to play their roles in rounding up the world wide cabal and cutting Satan from off the Earth.

ACT IV - The New Christ-Conscious World

With the end of the military tribunals and executions of the most evil people in the world, will begin a period of elections all over the world. This will, of course, result in God-fearing people installed in every nation. Then, indeed, will every knee bow and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord.

Because only Christ could save us from this omnipotent (at least to man) power of hell. Because only Christ holds the keys to death and hell and only Christ commands life to come forth from death.

And thus we shall see it unfold. As the climax of the movie comes to an end, we will see those that have committed crimes told and untold either be executed or be forgiven by repentance to God. Usually, they will not repent and we all know what their fate will be.

We are in warfare. We are in the heat of battle. But the battle within, the battle online, that is about to erupt onto the surface and into reality like a Mack truck. We are rapidly approaching the precipice.

I suggest you buckle your seatbelts and make sure your popcorn bag is ready to go. 2024 will be one wild rollercoaster of a year.

In the beginning, God was. In the present, God is. And in the end, God wins.

WWG1WGAWW! One united human race against the perverted filth of Satan!