I'm not suggesting anything nefarious is in the works, I just don't trust the DS, the medical profession, anyone connected to the 3 letter agencies, the MSM, several coworkers, a neighbor or two, etc. That leaves the rest of us having to look out for each other.
Scientists have developed aerosolized COVID-19 boosters that, when inhaled, appear to stop infections in their tracks. In trials involving monkeys and rodents that had already received vaccinations, the boosters successfully increased immune responses in COVID-19’s home base: the respiratory tract. The hope is that the aerosols could lead to simple, accessible booster doses that prevent—not just help fight—infections.
They're trying to develop a COVID-19 vaccine that is given to you as a nasal mist, like the nasal mist flu vaccines. It's squirted up your nose. It's not like a cloud you walk through and you breathe it in. I can't even imagine how much money it would take to make an aerosolized vaccine that had enough antigens to be able to immunize people by spraying it into the air. I don't think it's even possible to do that.
I think people are imagining that they're going to be spraying it out the back of trucks like they used to do with DDT.
Using nasal mists as a vaccine isn't anything new. Like I said, they've been doing it with the flu vaccine for years. So it's a little late to be worried about them now. I think they're trying to convince people who don't like injections to use nasal mist vaccines instead.
Everything you've said is spot on. And maybe it's like you said - they think people are just afraid of needles.
I just don't think there's anything the DS players won't try that would allow them to profit off our slow death spiral.