91 A Generation of Free Thinking Journalist 🐸 Frogs🐸 is Rising…. WE BE THE MEDIA NOW FRENS !!👍👍 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by Oldpatriot 1 year ago by Oldpatriot +91 / -0 4 comments download share 4 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
We need to return to citizen journalism. Hopefully when the white hats take over.. We can return to small businesses and a trades way of life.. Where we don't have to work 40+ hours a week.
It's going to be more dramatic than ItAintThatBad's comment. See the Q post "America is the Late Roman Republic" and my Comment.
Here is a video of a recent cane toad population explosion.
Not frogs, but relevant in a pepe context.
I told my libtard bil about crowd sourced journalism a decade ago. He still watches CNN.