Jack Prosobiec just posted this:
Ever since Q said 'They won't be able to walk down the street', I imagined a worldwide revelation, a global epiphany to the horrors of the Cabal being broadcast every electronic billboard in the world, for every human to see, at once. Similar to the end of the movie 'The Sixth Sense'. Here is the scene:
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The world needs to see a person like Obama, Bill Gates or Oprah doing something evil and horrible to a child. Blast it on every electric billboard in the world AT ONCE.
Time Square. Wall St. Piccadilly Circus. Las Vegas. Tokyo. Then let's see them try and walk down the street.
It will probably not be a popular opinion on this forum, but I don't think it would be a good idea to show video of violence towards children. Just try them, convict if guilty, and swiftly remove them from the plane.
I disagree, if we don't learn everything about what (they) have done then we won't be able to keep it from happening again.
“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”- Winston Churchill
No wonder Obama returned the bust.