With events all over the world and US, we for sure are at the “Precipice” Q, and X22Report have been warning now for several years. Don’t need to post their links, as other Anons will help me. What I want to encourage is us, and our job of sanity as society in the US and globally finally “begins the tumble” off the precipice.
Some countries will actually complete the tumble and fall off the precipice. These are the countries that the Cabal 100% controls, and has been doing what it wants at will both economically and with mass casualties. It will be those countries currently in kinetic/physical conflict or completely impoverished already with no political hope.
Then there are the large “1st world” type nations that have not succumbed 100% to the Cabal and are fighting. They are at the precipice now, and are attempting not to tumble off. They are the ones you see with mostly mass political conflict, where fists, up to bullets haven’t started flying between people and their government, but it’s about there. When the “there” happens, that is the process of the “tumble off” that precipice. Oddly enough the two top-shinning countries on opposite ends is the US and Russia.
Russia has avoided the tumble, is soundly defending its people, getting its stolen land back from 2014, and its leader/s have no current desire for “World Domination”. Russia wants to do business and be politically and culturally left alone.
The US on the other side has politically become the opposite. It’s government wants to economically control the world, muck militarily in affairs, to further only the interests of its Elites. All while it’s majority society suffers and is politically rebelling, and on a verge of actual kinetic Civil Conflict.
To be prepared to stop conflict, and keep things political instead of kinetic…is the Anons. Yes my friends, over several decades we’ve been warmed up and expanding to keeping sanity for the masses as much as possible, and to help people face the “tumble off the precipice”. We Anons are to then hold the line during the tumble process, to let We The People have a taste of the Fall, and then reel us back to help society avoid “the fall”, avoid as much physical civil conflict as possible, and provide stability to other Anons and their countries world wide. Anons will help Awakening and sleeping Sheeple, climb back up the cliff, and then turn to bring heavy Justice and wipe out The Cabal.
“The Tumble off” will be a severe, all at once mass mix of economic collapse, severe political turmoil, some miner physical conflict, terrorism, and casualties to provide We The People a good true taste of America “dying”, but we will also have amazing peaceful patriots and politicians, supported and guided by Anons, to hold those lines for America and other like-countries to not actually fall off, but to pull We The People back up, and then arrest the Cabal by the rule of law, and begin the decade long repair of saving thee entire world.
And that my friends is each of you here on GAW, outside the shills and Doomers that are about to flame my post. Those patriotic Anons world-wide also includes the actual good patriots on X, on Truth, on PDW, on Telegram, on Rumble, and yes even the few on YouTube and FB.
So GAW Anons, we are the line holders and rope pullers to freeze the tumble off the precipice, and bring us back. And we do that by God’s Grace and intervention, our dedication, our love of family and humanity, and our education and information sharing. And we do this freely to Awaken all we can to what has happened, to justice required by law, and what to expect going forward. We Anons are the world’s climb back to sanity, to help all realize We We Go One We Go All, together we God.
And God bless you sir, for keeping me to play my part in our victory.