I had a thought pop into my head that, essentially the United States had shrunk their soldiers in Europe, because just like here in the States, the way I see it, is the open borders is a U.N. or WEF or NATO venture to basically invade the open borders countries with invaders that will be armed eventually. The first country that popped into my head was Germany, and we had a very strong military presence, and they have really paid a major toll with the socialist practices and gain of immigration/invasion.
The thought that ‘dang, one of those globalist groups has influenced our military heavily because any European city that had a strong military presence such as a base would have a bunch of military aged American fellas roaming their streets, and the Americans wouldn’t deal with conduct from the Invaders that was crappy conduct.
I researched it though, and this was one of the first results.
Seeing that was under President Trump, could it be that the drop, paraphrasing here, that people had to see how bad it could get….wasn’t really just American’s, but the entire world? Maybe American’s have to see how shitty things get, but the entire world has to see what it means to have a shitty America.
A shitty America means we aren’t buying imported goods. A shitty America means you gotta fight your own neighbors. Our phones are off the hook.
Just a loose thought that ended up with the 40,000 foot view.
Vatican/Jesuits, too. And the Crown.