My first awakening occurred in 2016, but I've learned a lot in the past couple years. In 2020 I had not looked into Q and was pretty blackpilled, but now I think I have a better sense of being able to see deep state desperation on display.
I think the deep state orchestrated 9/11 for two primary purposes. For one, as Colin Powell acknowledged, the global deep state needed another 'boogeyman' after the Cold War ended, in order to get the public to support endless war and funding of black budget operations. 9/11 spawned the War on Terror which resulted in numerous wars, massive expansion of the surveillance state and significant further funding of these black budget projects.
I also believe a major reason that 9/11 was orchestrated was due to the rise of the internet. The internet has been and continues to be a massively democratizing force in the world, and the global deep stare had to try and create a further pretext for shifting the global reality further towards fear and consoldiated control, and they did this through their massive 9/11 false flag.
2008 was one of the next major events in the domestic warfare being waged against the human populations, the clear intent being to drain the wealth from the population and further place into the consolidated control of the elite psychopaths.
I can't find the article now, but there was a claim that the U.S. military was planning a governmental coup to clean out corruption, but decided to go the electoral route instead. Then Trump runs and shockingly wins. This obviously suggests that the white hats had gained significant control and made serious progress by this point in the war against global evil, ultimately allowing them to claim the uber-powerful U.S. presidency.
Covid was obviously primarily about the U.S. election and reclaiming the presidency, and also about a last gasp attempt at implementing the NWO agenda. It was partially successful in that the deep state partially reclaimed the presidency, although there is solid evidence that at least partial presidential control remained in the hands of white hats through devolution.
I also want to note the jarring about face by the deep state in June of 2020 with George Floyd. For months, the MSM narrative had been to not go outside and not socialize with others; after that failed, and people started to get fed up with lockdowns and covid in general (+ Trump started opening the country), they pivoted to George Floyd which provided cover for Antifa and other terrorist orgs to create mayhem in the country, while also being an attempt to contobie to dominate the narrative and keep people in fear. This, among many other examples had to be a big redpill for a lot of people.
In January 2022, the truckers staged their massive protest at the Canadian capital which got a lot of global attention. This further panicked the deep state as it ultimately led to the dissolution of the covid narrative and mandates. Thus, the deep state immediately pivoted by goading Putin into Ukraine - they did this by publically discussing plans to put nukes in eastern Ukraine, which Putin could not allow. Thus, the narrative jarringly shifted again to the Ukraine war, and this also allowed the deep state bad actors to securing hundreds of billions in new funding from the U.S. in order to try and continue their operations.
As support for the Ukraine war stalled a false flag was staged in Israel to try and turn a different money spigot on, but this one waa not nearly as successful, as little to no money has been sent from the U.S. or anywhere else to Israel in the bame of this 'war'.
It appears to me that the rubber must meet the road in 2024. Black hats simply cannot cede control of the U.S. presidency, which means they will almost certainly try some other kind of false flag next year in ordee to once again steal the election. Time will tell how it will all play out, but I now sincerely hope that we are on the doorstep of finally witnessing the next stage of this play out, involving massive arrests of evil global actors and hopefully, the ushering in of a new era for humanity and the planet.
Does anyone have links to the evidence that whitehats are in control through devolution?