Stav is doing a space right now on X. Come Check it out
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YES!! This guy's work is incredible.
Q themselves even told us to not retreat.. there is some very annoying people on X as well. So just be awRe of your own heart and take breaks if needed.
u/Stav is doing incredible work though
Thank you, Slechta! I value your opinion. This clock thing is very confusing. I’ll pray about it first but you’re right. Never retreat from the battlefield!
Don't worry I am still learning about a lot of this myself. Stavs work is different then the clock though. It's basically an interactive map of different areas of Q. From the Roth childs geniology to the Q post, to Congress. He even showed me one today about mapping Genesis. It's a very cool concept. I'm gonna be having a 1 on 1 zoom chat with him hopefully in near future. I wasn't able to stay on the spaces the full time and I have a lot of questions plus wanna learn more about him. From what I gather so far, he has a good heart and is a valuable person for us to learn from. Yes absolutely pray on it. Don't get intimidated though, he is very very approachable and understands his mind often works in different ways then some
Could "Stav" be an abbreviation of "stavros", which means "cross" in Greek? Just wondering.