Incentives for the Jabs, donuts to call girls and anything in between.
Incentives for the Jabs, donuts to call girls and anything in between.
Arrogant is putting it mildly. I had a neighbor who was an RN, She posted online she had a terrible cold and was going to the Doctor to get a scrip for antibiotics so she would feel better. I told her antibiotics do not work on a virus and could actually make it worse. She came back at me and had me to know that she knew that but was hoping the antibiotics would stop any other kind of infection. I say she DID NOT KNOW it and since she was an RN and was smarter than an old country boy she had to say something. She them unfriended me! KEK
Oh mine. That's beyond arrogant.
There’s doctors rx antibiotics for flu….like alll the time…..”just in case pneumonia or other secondary infection”. how about creating drug resistant bugs?
I think the flu and pneumonia are a viral infection where a cold is bacterial. I'm not a doctor but I am pretty sure about that. Antibiotics for colds is where you get the super bugs resistant to antibiotics.