That is close to my theory. The planes (drones) were remote control or GPS until final approach and switched over to laser targeting for accuracy. Look up 'Flight Termination System, Dov Zakheim'.
No hijackers. No passengers. Laden with high explosives. Observe the pulverized concrete ejected from the entrance point of Flight 175. Only possible with high explosives.
Here’s the weird wtc artwork, it’s about half way down. So creepy and odd
The art installation 'platform' on the 91st floor was just 30 feet from the impact point of AA 11
Wonder if they somehow geotagged or "lit" it with a homing beacon during their "project"
That is close to my theory. The planes (drones) were remote control or GPS until final approach and switched over to laser targeting for accuracy. Look up 'Flight Termination System, Dov Zakheim'.
No hijackers. No passengers. Laden with high explosives. Observe the pulverized concrete ejected from the entrance point of Flight 175. Only possible with high explosives.
So were the passengers real ppl or composites/early crisis actors?