Ya, part of being this way meant I had to learn things that were old wives tales. Like a rusty nail causing tetnus. You can get tetnus after getting cut by a clean nail too. Or just getting a scrap on the ground.
Understanding that bacterial infection comes from within is a difficult for people who are still under the massive medical cult of germ theory.
If you want out, start with Dr Andrew Kaufman, find his movie, Terrain, and then follow up with more research and relearn everything about the body
A couple people who have wives in the medical field have told me tetanus is a bacterial infection from animal feces. They say never to get a tetanus shot unless you get injured around animal poop, like stepping on a rusty nail in a barn yard.
See right there? By listening to institutionalized nurses you cannot make good decisions. And you should not look to study tetnus on Google either.
You have to read from doctors that reject germ theory, only they understand real science and don't fall for the pseudo science brainwashed virology. But it also extends to bacterium. Yes, virus and bacteria exist but they do not cause harm to us from the outside.
Viruses are particles made by our own cells as they break down and die. And bacteria can change drastically, specifically going out of balance and causing increases harm, but bacterium are not the source of the infection, the flesh eating deadly bacteria are in us already, always. In balance
Wow. That's amazing. We were early homeschoolers (first several grades) and that really turned the neighborhood against us. I can't image how it went for your parents.
Moved around a lot, which is always what helped. We just used religion as an excuse to not provide Vax cards. It works back then. But ya, my mom could not tell people about us. She would tell people she got close to, that were thinking of having children, but for all the sleepers that had already been vaxed once, she didn't want to make them feel bad, and it was too late for them anyway.
She always told us we can join the military and get all vaxxed if we want when we are 18. But we believed her of course.
My mom said it caused drama with my aunt's when we were young. But then everyone saw we rarely ever got sick. I can't remember that far back, I can only remember being hurt, but I don't remember ever being sick when I was a child.
As an adult, I only get sick when I'm being stupid, and eat a bunch of food fried in seed oil. Then my body detoxes. Or too much booze. I feel it for days. Other than that, I don't eat veggies, because they are toxic, but so is commerical meat. It's difficult to stay healthy, but not impossible
I have never had any vaccine. You know how difficult that was for my parents in the 80 and 90s?
I'm pure blood. Not having the clot shot is good, but you still believe in virus theory and have dozens of other harmful vaccines in you.
Ya, part of being this way meant I had to learn things that were old wives tales. Like a rusty nail causing tetnus. You can get tetnus after getting cut by a clean nail too. Or just getting a scrap on the ground.
Understanding that bacterial infection comes from within is a difficult for people who are still under the massive medical cult of germ theory.
If you want out, start with Dr Andrew Kaufman, find his movie, Terrain, and then follow up with more research and relearn everything about the body
For sure, allopathy and surgery makes sense for major accidents. Other than that, the medical system does more harm than good.
A couple people who have wives in the medical field have told me tetanus is a bacterial infection from animal feces. They say never to get a tetanus shot unless you get injured around animal poop, like stepping on a rusty nail in a barn yard.
See right there? By listening to institutionalized nurses you cannot make good decisions. And you should not look to study tetnus on Google either.
You have to read from doctors that reject germ theory, only they understand real science and don't fall for the pseudo science brainwashed virology. But it also extends to bacterium. Yes, virus and bacteria exist but they do not cause harm to us from the outside.
Viruses are particles made by our own cells as they break down and die. And bacteria can change drastically, specifically going out of balance and causing increases harm, but bacterium are not the source of the infection, the flesh eating deadly bacteria are in us already, always. In balance
Wow. That's amazing. We were early homeschoolers (first several grades) and that really turned the neighborhood against us. I can't image how it went for your parents.
Moved around a lot, which is always what helped. We just used religion as an excuse to not provide Vax cards. It works back then. But ya, my mom could not tell people about us. She would tell people she got close to, that were thinking of having children, but for all the sleepers that had already been vaxed once, she didn't want to make them feel bad, and it was too late for them anyway.
She always told us we can join the military and get all vaxxed if we want when we are 18. But we believed her of course.
My mom said it caused drama with my aunt's when we were young. But then everyone saw we rarely ever got sick. I can't remember that far back, I can only remember being hurt, but I don't remember ever being sick when I was a child.
As an adult, I only get sick when I'm being stupid, and eat a bunch of food fried in seed oil. Then my body detoxes. Or too much booze. I feel it for days. Other than that, I don't eat veggies, because they are toxic, but so is commerical meat. It's difficult to stay healthy, but not impossible