Ive seen increased interest in this lately. I wonder if its reappearance is organic or placed because of timing.
This is a huge redpill. When we first found out about it the normies were not ready to see or believe this or accept our explanation for what we see. They are now. I have a lot of conservative normies in my sphere and when I show them this (I try to do it without comment; its important people think they are coming to their own conclusions and not guided), it stops them dead in their tracks. You can see the wheels turning, wondering how long they have been lied to and if everything they see is a lie.
If you have someone you want/need to give that one last little shove into acceptance, the time is now to use this.
Yep. This is an excellent clip to show normies. The puzzled look of everyone getting them first dropping into their laps then finishing it off with the obvious look of disgust and panic on Jeb and Laura’s faces.
Ive seen increased interest in this lately. I wonder if its reappearance is organic or placed because of timing.
This is a huge redpill. When we first found out about it the normies were not ready to see or believe this or accept our explanation for what we see. They are now. I have a lot of conservative normies in my sphere and when I show them this (I try to do it without comment; its important people think they are coming to their own conclusions and not guided), it stops them dead in their tracks. You can see the wheels turning, wondering how long they have been lied to and if everything they see is a lie.
If you have someone you want/need to give that one last little shove into acceptance, the time is now to use this.
Yep. This is an excellent clip to show normies. The puzzled look of everyone getting them first dropping into their laps then finishing it off with the obvious look of disgust and panic on Jeb and Laura’s faces.
Nah.. it's the biggest mystery. I still wonder daily when I'm brushing my teeth.
I can't speak if this was organic, but the reemergence of the pizza gate stuff wasn't... and a lot of things since then.